News Releases

Teens can win prizes by producing a 30-60 second video advocating for the bison to become to the National Mammal Visit to cast your vote Bronx, N.Y. – October 1, 2012 – The Vote Bison coalition, which is campaigning to make the bison the National Mammal of the United States, issued a call for teen-created videos that tell Americans why the bison deserves their votes. The coalition is asking teens (ages 13-19) to create and submit a 30-60 second public service announcement (P...
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Wolverines are known for their ferocity: these powerful carnivores are able to kill prey many times their size and are built to live in inhospitable environments. Despite these advantages, wolverine numbers steadily declined throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. Determined to conserve these land-dwelling weasels, WCS established long-term research and conservation programs in Canada and the U.S. See how we study these reclusive animals in the following episode of This American Land, a weekly news program that focuses on issues impacting our country's landscapes, waters and wildlife.
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Boo at the Zoo is Saturday and Sunday, October 27 and 28 Brooklyn, N.Y. – Sept. 28, 2012 – Halloween fun awaits at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo’s annual Boo at the Zoo weekend. Boo at the Zoo will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 27 and 28 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities include face-painting, crafts, pumpkin treats for the zoo’s baboons, and more. Boo at the Zoo festivities on both days include: Discovery Cente...
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During the September 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress in Korea, WCS co-sponsored a motion to create a conservation “Green List.” The newly adopted category will feature thriving species, emphasizing that conservation doesn’t merely exist to ward off extinction.
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For the first time in history, camera traps captured footage of Cross River gorillas—the rarest of the great apes. Field conservationists devoted to their study rarely spot them, so our colleagues in Cameroon's Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary were floored by footage they discovered last May. Watch as eight gorillas stroll through the woods, and be sure to look out for an incredible demonstration of power by a silverback.
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Wildlife Conservation Society-sponsored motion would create list of species that are “fully conserved” List would show success in conserving species NEW YORK, NY (September 27, 2012) —The IUCN World Conservation Congress has adopted a motion sponsored by the Wildlife Conservation Society and partners to create a Green List to assess conservation success. The Green List for Species would include species identified as ‘fully conserved,’ which are those that exist in ecologically sig...
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Ascarium festivities: Saturdays and Sundays, October 13-14, 20-21, 27-28  Children in costume receive free admission  The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium will celebrate Halloween with the annual Ascarium festivities during the last three weekends of October from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  This Halloween, it’s a swash-buckling pirate adventure with nautical- and pirate-themed activities planned for aquarium-goers of all ages. Visitors w...
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In an op-ed for the Christian Science Monitor, Colin Poole, head of WCS's Myanmar program, discusses Myanmar's green leadership. President Thein Sein has put an environmental agenda into action, demonstrating Myanmar's potential as a model of sustainable development.
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WCS now fighting for reauthorization of the wildlife stamp in Congress for an additional four years Successful first year has raised more than $1.5 million to help save tigers, elephants, great apes, rhinos and other species Washington, D.C. – September 21, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) celebrated this week the first anniversary of the release of the Save Vanishing Species postage stamp. The wildlife stamp’s first year qualifies as a major success, as 14.9 million ti...
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As the Save Vanishing Species postage stamp celebrates its one-year anniversary, WCS urges Congress to reauthorize the conservation-centric initiative for another four years. Although the stamp has generated $1.58 million in its first year, it now stands as endangered as the species it seeks to protect. 
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