News Releases

BOZEMAN, MT ( September 5, 2012) As wildlife managers continue work on a statewide bison-management plan, a new survey underscores overwhelming public support for restoring a herd of wild, wide-ranging bison on public land in Montana. Additionally, Montana voters specifically support restoration to the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in central Montana.Sixty-eight percent of Montanans support restoration of wild bison on federal or state land, while just 26 percent are opposed, accor...
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Extinction or Survival? List Released at the World Conservation Congress in Jeju, Korea  Species Can be Saved if Asian Governments Take Three Rs Approach: Recognition, Responsibility, Recovery JEJU, SOUTH KOREA, September 5, 2012- Will the tiger go the way of the passenger pigeon or be saved from extinction like the American bison? The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) today released a list of Asian species that are at ...
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Exhibit educates millions of visitors about plight of wild tigersTigers are critically endangered with fewer than 3,200 remaining in the wildTo celebrate the tiger triplets, $3 off all Total Experience Tickets purchased onlineView the video:, NY – Sept. 5, 2012 – The Tiger Mountain exhibit at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo roared with new activity today as three Amur tiger cubs made their public debut. The cubs were born to mother Katharina and fat...
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During the 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, Korea, WCS urges government entities to protect sharks and rays from overfishing. WCS advocates improved management of fisheries, limits on catches of certain species, and increased CITES protections.
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Wildlife Conservation Society and partners call for regulation of international trade in sharks and rays  JEJU, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, September 4, 2012—The Wildlife Conservation Society and over 35 government agency and NGO partners participating in IUCN’s World Conservation Congress this week are urging the world’s governments to take urgent steps to save the world’s sharks and rays from the relentless pressure of over-fishing for international trade.  WC...
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Bronx native spends some time with some other famous Bronx residents Bronx, NY – Aug. 31, 2012 – Attached Photo: Olympic gymnast John Orozco visits with animals at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo upon returning from London to his home in the Bronx. Pictured is John Orozco with a sloth practicing a few moves on a the zoo's version of a high bar. To show gratitude to John representing his country and his community on the world stage, the Bronx Zoo treated the Olympian to a speci...
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Since its inception, WCS has worked to save the American bison from extinction, and the Bronx Zoo grounds have housed bison for over one hundred years. Today, new conservation efforts focus on genetic purity in this iconic mammal. Listen and learn as Dr. Pat Thomas, Associate Director of the Bronx Zoo, discusses the birth of the first genetically pure American bison calf produced by embryo transfer.
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Program will establish breeding herd of genetically pure bison for future restoration projects and U.S. zoosSuccess is result of collaboration between Colorado State University, USDA-APHIS, the American Prairie Reserve, and the Wildlife Conservation SocietyBronx Zoo’s bison legacy continues after more than 100 yearsB-roll video for download available here.Audio slideshow available here.Support legislation to make bison the national mammal at: Bronx, NY – Aug. 30, 2012 – The Wil...
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Patagonian cashmere has gone “green” with a new certification by the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network. The business venture supports the local economy while respecting this magnificent yet fragile landscape.
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Brooklyn, N.Y. – Aug. 28, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium presented Darya Inyutkina – the winner of the annual George D. Ruggieri Scholarship – with a check for $5,000 to put toward college expenses. Pictured left to right: Ed Wilensky, Principal of the Rachel Carson High School; Darya Inyutkina, scholarship winner; Jon Forrest Dohlin, WCS Vice President and Director of the New York Aquarium; Dr. Chanda Bennett, Education Manager at the New York Aquarium. Darya is ...
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