News Releases

Zoo to Offer Free AT&T Wi-Fi as Part of Citywide Wi-Fi in the Parks Initiative Online photo contest gives visitors a chance to win a family membership to WCS Click here to download b-roll of eventFlushing, N.Y. – July 19, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Queens Zoo, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, and AT&T* today launched free AT&T Wi-Fi service at the Queens Zoo. The zoo is the 24th NYC parks location to receive free AT&T Wi-Fi th...
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Leopard first photographed by WCS in 2004 Leopard ID-ed through computer software that compares unique spot pattern NEW YORK (July 19, 2012)— A dramatic photo of a male leopard dragging a massive gaur (or Indian bison) calf in Karnataka’s Bandipur Tiger Reserve turned out to be the same animal photographed by a WCS camera trap nearly eight years ago. The photo, taken by Indian photographer Vinay S. Kumar, was initially submitted to Conservation India, a not-for-profit portal to enab...
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Saturday, July 21; 12 p.m. Brooklyn, N.Y. - July 19, 2012 – ATTACHED PHOTO - An aquatic-themed sand sculpture represents the Wildlife Conservation Society's New York Aquarium at last year's annual Sand-Sculpting Contest & Unity Day Celebration in Coney Island. The sculpture was created by pro sculptor Chuck Feld and his team from Sound Pounders. This year's event will be held on Saturday, July 21, kicking off at 12 p.m. Jon Forrest Dohlin, WCS Vice President and Direct...
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The Bubble Safari social game from stars a monkey whose friends are captured by poachers. As they come to his aid, players can raise funds for WCS and its mission to save wildlife and wild places around the globe.
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New York Senator Becomes Co-sponsor of Bill to Make North American Bison the National Mammal of the United States To help generate more co-sponsors, go to NEW YORK (July 18, 2012)— The Vote Bison coalition applauded the news that New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand became a co-sponsor of the National Bison Legacy Act in the U.S. Senate, which if passed would officially designate bison as the national mammal. The bill, which was introduced by U.S. Sens...
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Players save Bubbles the Monkey’s animal friends from poachers in popular new social game from Zynga 100% of proceeds from in-game starter pack purchases will help WCS save wildlife around the world Play Bubble Safari at: New York, NY – July 17, 2012 – has launched a fun new initiative to raise funds for the Wildlife Conservation Society and its mission to save wildlife and wild places around the globe. Zynga, the leading provider of so...
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This year brings perfect flamingo breeding conditions to Inagua National Park Bronx, NY – July 16, 2012 – This year has been a bumper crop for Caribbean flamingos in Inagua National Park in the Bahamas. The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo, with the help of partner organizations, led a flamingo banding program in June to facilitate the long-term monitoring of movements across the species’ range. Led by Dr. Nancy Clum, Curator of Ornithology at the Bronx Zoo, the ...
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It’s a banner year for Caribbean flamingos in Inagua National Park, Bahamas. In June, WCS veterinarians and Bronx Zoo bird experts joined a crew of international researchers to band the juvenile birds, and check up on their health.
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Fishers hunt rodents and are the only predators tenacious enough to regularly prey upon porcupines. Unfortunately, these hardy carnivores are now threatened by toxic rodenticides used by illegal growers of marijuana.
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Study shows that illicit rodenticide use poisoning elusive carnivore on public and community landsWCS and partners identify potential conservation threatBOZEMAN (July 13, 2012) –A new study from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Integral Ecology Research Center, the University of California Davis and other partners shows that imperiled fisher populations are being poisoned by the use of anticoagulant rodenticides (AR) on public and community forest lands in California–likely those use...
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