News Releases

Billy Joel Lends Voice to Save Elephants

Africa’s elephants have just gotten a powerful new supporter –music legend, Billy Joel.

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April 16--Critically Endangered Monkey Photographed In Congo’s Newest National Park, Ntokou-Pikounda
Two primatologists working in the forests of the Republic of Congo have returned from the field with a noteworthy prize: the first-ever photograph of the Bouvier’s red colobus monkey, a rare primate not seen for more than half a century and suspected to be extinct by some, according to WCS (the Wildlife Conservation Society).
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Two Baby Western Lowland Gorillas Debut at WCS’s Bronx Zoo
Bronx, NY – April 15, 2015 – Two infant western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are making their public debut at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo. This is the second pair of gorillas born at the Bronx Zoo in just over a year.
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April 16 - Indonesian Authorities Arrest Online Orangutan Trader
The State Prosecutor of North Sumatra and WCS’s Wildlife Crimes Unit announced the arrest of a suspect for trafficking a living orangutan in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The trafficker allegedly sold wildlife through Facebook and by BlackBerry Messenger. The arrest was made on April 13, 2015.
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WCS Joins NYC Parks, Bronx River Alliance, and Bronx BP Diaz to Celebrate Oppening of Fish Passage on Bronx River

Bronx, NY - April 10, 2015 - NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP today joined Bronx River Administrator and Bronx River Alliance Executive Director Linda R. Cox, FAICP, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., Congressman José E. Serrano, NY State Senator Gustavo Rivera Representative Miquel Rondon, Community Board 6 District Manager Ivine Galarza, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bronx River Partnership Coordinator James Turek and Wildlife Conservation Society Executive Vice President for Public Affairs John F. Calvelli to officially cut the ribbon on the new River Park Fish Passage, located on the Bronx River at Boston Road and East 180th Street in The Bronx.

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April 10 - World’s Second Most Endangered Turtle on Road to Recovery
 WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) announced today that 60 captive-raised Myanmar roofed turtles—a species once thought extinct—have been released into their native habitat in Myanmar. More than 350 villagers, government representatives, and religious leaders attended ceremonies for the release.
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April 8--Recipe for Saving Coral Reefs: Add More Fish
Fish are the key ingredients in a new recipe to diagnose and restore degraded coral reef ecosystems, according to scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science, WCS, James Cook University, and other organizations in a new study in the journal Nature.
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WCS Celebrates 120 Years with City-Wide Photo Safari #NYisWILD
New York – April 8, 2015 – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) is celebrating the 120th anniversary of its founding and has launched a city-wide social media photo safari at to mark the occasion. From now through Sept.7, participants can register at and embark on the city-wide adventure by tagging qualifying photos of the 120 ways NY is wild with the corresponding number and the hashtag #NYisWild. (Example: Saw a sea lion having lunch @BronxZoo. #NYisWild #1 of 120.)

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April 7--Declining Great Apes of Central Africa Get New Action Plan for Conservation for the Next Decade
The number of gorillas and chimpanzees in Central Africa continues to decline due to hunting, habitat loss, and disease, combined with a widespread lack of law enforcement and corruption in the judicial process, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Wildlife Conservation Society, WWF, and partners in a new conservation plan.
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The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society’s) Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, and New York Aquarium have opened registration for family, youth, and camp programs for the 2015 spring and summer season.
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