News Releases

Major Shortfalls Identified in Marine Conservation

December 3, 2015 – A new study says that more than 17,000 marine species worldwide remain largely unprotected, with the U.S. among the bottom in supporting formal marine protected areas (MPAs) that could safeguard marine biodiversity. 

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The Polar Bear Is Not Alone: WCS Issues Statement and New Graphic Emphasizing All Life on Earth is Affected By Climate Change

December 2, 2015 – The following statement was issued today by WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper. The statement is being released with The Polar Bear Is Not Alone graphic, which sends the alarming message that all life is affected by climate change. People, plants and other animals are regrettably finding themselves on this melting ice sheet along with the polar bear.

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WCS Statement on Pope Francis Speaking out Against Ivory Trade
November 30, 2015 – The following statement is from WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper on Pope Francis speaking out against the ivory trade on his visit to Kenya:
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Conservationists Praise New EU Report on African Wildlife Conservation Strategy

BRUSSELS (26 November, 2015) – Conservation and animal welfare groups are welcoming the European Commission’s announcement of a new report that will inform the EU’s strategy to save Africa’s unique wildlife and ecosystems. 

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Mozambique Completes Major Elephant Collaring Effort
November 26, 2015 – A team of conservationists from WCS, the Government of Mozambique’s National Administration for Conservation Areas (ANAC) and other partners, completed a five-day effort to fit tracking collars on 20 elephants in the Niassa Reserve, the most important protected area in the country. 
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New Report: Large-Scale Hydroelectric Dam in Yukon  Would be a Major Environmental Concern
A new report from Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS Canada)  warns of  the potential for major negative impacts on fish and fish habitat caused by large hydroelectric dams, like that currently under evaluation through the Next Generation Hydro initiative. The report, which focuses on north-western Canada, notes that substantial destruction of fish habitats caused by such a dam, along with additional threats and effects will be either very expensive or impossible to mitigate.
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WCS Releases Super-Rare Tiger Video
November 24, 2015 –  WCS released today camera trap video of rarely seen Amur tigers from Russia’s Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Reserve.
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Scientists Looking for Whales in Tanzania Find Widespread Blast Fishing
November 25, 2015 – WCS scientists conducting a large-scale survey of whales and dolphins along the Tanzanian coast have unintentionally revealed the extent of a major marine threat: blast fishing, a highly destructive fishing method using explosives to catch fish.
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 WCS (Wildlife conservation Society) announced today that Irma Hermawati and Musir Riswan of WCS’s Indonesia Program have both been honored with a Conservation Hero Award from the Disney Conservation Fund. The award recognizes local citizens for their efforts to protect wildlife and wild places and engage communities in conservation.
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 Breaking News to Cutting Edge Science: Understanding Leopard Populations in Human Landscapes

 (Bengaluru, India – November 23, 2015): In a novel study that relied on newspaper reports of “leopard conflict incidents,” scientists with the Wildlife Conservation Society's India Program and Centre for Wildlife Studies carried out the first-ever regional scale assessment of leopard populations in human-use areas in Karnataka. 

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