News Releases

 Breaking News to Cutting Edge Science: Understanding Leopard Populations in Human Landscapes

 (Bengaluru, India – November 23, 2015): In a novel study that relied on newspaper reports of “leopard conflict incidents,” scientists with the Wildlife Conservation Society's India Program and Centre for Wildlife Studies carried out the first-ever regional scale assessment of leopard populations in human-use areas in Karnataka. 

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WCS Prospect Park Zoo Debuts Red Panda Cubs
Brooklyn, N.Y. – Nov. 23, 2015 – Two red panda cubs (Ailurus fulgens styani), one male and one female,were born at the WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Prospect Park Zoo this summer and have made their public debut. 
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Scientists Find Uganda’s Murchison Falls Protected Area To Be a Hub of Biodiversity
NEW YORK (November 20, 2015)—Scientists conducting a series of biological surveys of Uganda’s Murchison Falls Protected Area on the banks of the Nile River have uncovered a noteworthy finding: the park is twice as rich in wildlife as previously thought and is one of the region’s foremost centers of biodiversity.
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 WCS Praises Government of Thailand for Swift Action in Tiger Arrest
November 18, 2015 – The following statement is from WCS’s Joe Walston, Vice President of Global Conservation praising the government of Thailand for arrests of alleged poacher who killed a tiger last seen alive in Huai Kha Khaeng (HKK) Wildlife Sanctuary.
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WCS’s Bronx Zoo Kicks Off Annual Toy Drive To Benefit Bronx Military Families
Bronx, NY – November 18, 2015 ––– On Friday, Nov. 20, Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurelia Greene will join officials from WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo to kick-off Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s annual holiday toy drive to benefit Bronx military families.
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(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award.
(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award. 
(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award. 
(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award. 
(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award. 
(New York – November 16, 2015) The WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) China program received a prestigious Tech Award for its China Wildlife Guardian App at the 15th annual gala of The Tech Awards on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The event marks the first time in the event’s history that a Chinese team has been selected laureate of the award. 
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Nov. 16, 2015 - The following statement was released by the Wildlife Conservation Society concerning the murder of two conservation heroes on Nov. 7th.
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November 13, 2015 – Watch out ivory poachers – now you got The Terminator mad. WCS’s 96 Elephants campaign has received a powerful new ally: Arnold Schwarzenegger, who recently blew up an ivory tusk on camera in support of efforts to protect elephants from the ravages of poaching.

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November 12, 2015 - Cambodia, Phnom Penh – WCS, WWF-Cambodia, BirdLife International-Cambodia, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, and Wildlife Alliance would like to extend their deepest condolences to the families of Sieng Darong, Forestry Administration ranger and Sab Yoh, police officer, two wildlife rangers who were killed on November 7 in the Preah Vihear Protected Forest during a patrol.
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 Protected Area Staff in Mongolia Taking the SMART Approach To  “Turn Tables” On Poachers
(Khanbogd, Mongolia – November 12, 2015) Efforts to recover wildlife and plants impacted by overharvest and illegal trade in Mongolia’s Gobi and Eastern Steppes regions have taken a great leap forward.
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