New York – Oct. 8, 2015 – Boo at the Zoo, New York City’s go-to family-friendly Halloween destination returns to WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo for five weekends in October. This year’s Boo at the Zoo activities are themed around animal behaviors and “Mystery and Mischief” of the world of wildlife. Boo at the Zoo: Mystery and Mischief runs through Nov. 1. All attractions and activities will embrace the spirit of the season while highlighting wildlife and conservation. Annual favorites including the hay maze, giant pumpkin carving demos, costume parades, magic and more will return with some additional Halloween surprises.
NEW YORK (October 6, 2015)—The Government of Chile announced today at the Our Oceans Summit in Valparaiso its plan to design a network of Marine Protected Areas for the purpose of safeguarding Patagonia’s whales, dolphins, sea lions, sea birds and other coastal biodiversity, an initiative that would expand the country’s protected waters by 100,000 square kilometers (more than 38,000 square miles).
WCS [Wildlife Conservation Society] and the 96 Elephants campaign praises Governor Jerry Brown for signing into law AB 96 – state legislation that would ban the sale of ivory and rhinoceros horn in the state of California. Now California joins New York and New Jersey as leaders in taking a stand for elephants by banning the sale of ivory.
WASHINGTON (Oct. 1, 2015) – This week, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) delivered 164,238 comments, organized through the 96 Elephants campaign, to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) calling for the closure of the commercial ivory trade in the United States.
Sept. 30, 2015 – WCS Executive Vice President of Public Affairs John Calvelli spoke out today in support of legislation introduced by New York City Council including Councilman Dan Garodnick that would ban the sale of products containing plastic “microbeads,” which have been shown to harm waterways and wildlife.
Can owls and loggers get along? A recent study conducted in Primorye in the southern Russian Far East suggests it’s not only possible, but essential for endangered Blakiston’s fish owls to survive there. The study was conducted by the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the University of Minnesota.
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