Kuala Lumpur, December 10, 2015 -- WCS Vice President for Species Conservation Dr. Elizabeth Bennett has been awarded the 2015 Merdeka Award, Malaysia's premier civil society award. This prestigious honor recognizes and celebrates the achievements and significant contributions of individuals to Malaysia and her people, within their respective fields. Bennett received the award at a ceremony here tonight.
WASHINGTON (December 10, 2015) – WCS applauded the introduction of the Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt Wildlife Trafficking Act in the U.S. Senate. The legislation is led by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and would bolster wildlife trafficking law enforcement and increase support for wildlife rangers.
WCS and partners report from Bastak Reserve, a 162 square mile (420 km2) protected area in the Pri-Amur region of the Russian Far East, a tiger cub who lost her mother and nearly died, has became a “Cinderella” and is now a mother.
WASHINGTON (December 7, 2015) – Today, the House of Representatives took a step toward cleaner waterways and healthy wildlife by passing the Microbeads-Free Waters Act [by unanimous consent?]. The bill, led by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), contains needed restrictions on the tiny pollutants contained in personal care products that are harming wildlife across the country.
WASHINGTON (December 4, 2015) – The Vote Bison Coalition hailed the Senate passage of the National Bison Legacy Act as a major step toward officially recognizing one of America’s most iconic animals as the National Mammal of the United States.
New York – Dec. 4, 2015 – This summer, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) celebrated the 120thanniversary of its founding with a city-wide social media photo safari, and has announced the winners of a suite of prizes that includes a trip to Belize to witness WCS field conservationists in action. Registered participants embarked on the city-wide adventure by tagging qualifying photos of the 120 ways NY is wild with the hashtag #NYisWild. The contest ran from April to September of this year.
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