News Releases

Peccaries of Mesoamerica Now Highly Threatened, Warn Experts
NEW YORK (October 4, 2016)Hunting, deforestation, and cattle ranching in Mesoamerica have become a triad of trouble for the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), an ecologically important species now threatened with regional extinction, according WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and a group of experts at a recently held meeting in Belize.
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BAT SIGNALS: $2.5M, Four Year Study Launched to Fight Bat-Decimating Disease
NEW YORK  (October 4, 2016) A four-year $2.5 million study was launched on September 27th by the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and partnering institutions to help scientists understand White Nose Syndrome (WNS)—a deadly disease encroaching on western bats.
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CITES CoP17 Concludes on the Side of Wildlife and Science
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - (Oct. 4 2016) - Science and wildlife conservation prevailed at CITES CoP17. The decisions made by the gathering countries were based on the best available scientific information. 
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CITES CoP17: Conservationists Welcome Shark & Ray Listings

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (October 4, 2016) – Conservationists are delighted that CITES Parties have officially listed devil rays, thresher sharks, and the silky shark under CITES Appendix II. The listing proposals were supported by more than the two-thirds majority required for adoption in Committee on Monday, and finalized today in Plenary. 

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CITES CoP17: Conservationists Cheer Progress for Sharks & Rays
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (October 3, 2016) – In a highly anticipated Committee session today, proposals to list devil rays, thresher sharks, and the silky shark under CITES were supported by more than the two-thirds of voting Parties required for adoption.  
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CITES CoP17: World's Nations Take Stand to Save the Helmeted Hornbill from Extinction

Johannesburg, South Africa (Oct. 2, 2016) – Governments at CITES CoP17 took action today calling for stricter enforcement from all nations to prevent the extinction of the helmted hornbill. 

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A Q&A on the Adoption of Ban on Domestic Elephant Ivory at CITES Cop17

Oct. 2 2016 – A Q&A from Susan Lieberman, VP of International Policy at the Wildlife Conservation Societyon today's decision by countries at CITES CoP17 for adopting a resolution recommending the closure of domestic elephant ivory markets globally.

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CITES CoP17 Delegates: Adopt Resolution Recommending Closure of Domestic Elephant Ivory Markets Globally
Oct. 2 2016 – The following statement was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society in celebration of the decision taken today by countries at CITES CoP17 for adopting a resolution recommending the closure of domestic elephant ivory markets globally.
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CITES CoP17: WCS Congratulates CITES Parties for Extending Protections to the African Grey Parrot
Johannesburg, SA (Oct. 2, 2016) – WCS congratulates the Parties to CITES for agreeing to transfer the African grey parrot from Appendix II to Appendix I, thereby prohibiting all international commercial trade. 
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Sept. 28 2016 -- The following statement was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society with the adoption by the CITES Parties of the resolution:  PROHIBITING, PREVENTING AND COUNTERING CORRUPTION FACILITATING ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED IN VIOLATION OF THE CONVENTION

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