News Releases

World Conservation Community Calls for Countries to Shut Down Their Domestic Ivory Markets
Honolulu, HI (Sept. 10, 2016) - WCS President and CEO Cristian Samper today celebrated the passage of IUCN Motion 007 at the World Conservation Congress. “Today’s vote calling for closure of domestic elephant ivory markets across the globe is vital--as the news about Africa’s elephants is as bad as bad news gets."
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Study: A Tenth of the World’s Wilderness Lost since the 1990s
SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 – Researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology show catastrophic declines in wilderness areas around the world over the last 20 years. They demonstrate alarming losses comprising a tenth of global wilderness since the 1990s – an area twice the size of Alaska and half the size of the Amazon. 
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Largest Gorilla Subspecies Declared Critically Endangered by IUCN Red List
Sept 4, 2016 -- Grauer's gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri), a subspecies of eastern gorilla, the world's largest ape, and confined to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, has been listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
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WCS Applauds President Obama for Bringing Strong Conservation Message to Hawai’i
HONOLULU, Hawai’i (September 1, 2016) – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) applauded President Obama’s remarks to leaders from the Pacific Island Conference of Leaders and attendees of the IUCN World Conservation Congress. The following statement was released by Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, attending the IUCN World Conservation Congress: “WCS applauds President Obama for bringing attention to climate change’s immediate effects on Pacific Island na...
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The Felid Cinderella Story Continues…

(Vladivostok, Russia September 1, 2017)- New photographs just released from Bastak Reserve in the Russian Far East confirm that a feline Cinderella story continues to unfold. 

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WCS Reports Organized Poaching is Decimating Madagascar’s Sea Turtles
September 1, 2016 – The illegal hunting of Madagascar’s sea turtles is reaching a crisis level as a result of organized trafficking networks says a team of WCS conservationists.
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STUDY: A Lost Century for Forest Elephants
August 30, 2016 – Because forest elephants are one the slowest reproducing mammals in the world, it will take almost a century for them to recover from the intense poaching they have suffered since 2002. 
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China, Viet Nam and Lao PDR commit to enhanced cooperation and coordination to dismantle wildlife trafficking networks
(Guangzhou, August 30th 2016) - Enforcement agencies from China, Lao PDR and Viet Nam agreed on urgent measures to tackle wildlife trafficking networks operating across their countries. The Wildlife Conservation Society provided technical assistance to the meetings.
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Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo Debuts Tufted Deer Fawn
Brooklyn, N.Y. – Aug. 30, 2016 – A tufted deer fawn (Elaphodus cephalophus) was born at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Prospect Park Zoo and is making its public debut. 
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WCS Ecotourism Partner Named Finalist for 2016 World Responsible Tourism Awards
(London, England  August 29, 2016)Cambodia’s Sam Veasna Center (SVC) has been named one of just 13 finalists in the 2016 World Responsible Tourism Awards at the World Travel Market in London. SVC manages wildlife viewing trips with exclusive access to Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) sites across Cambodia. 
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