BRONX, NEW YORK – May 12, 2017 – Six American bison calves have been born at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo and four of them are now on exhibit on the zoo’s Bison Range. The calves will help the Bronx Zoo further bison conservation efforts. The calves were born to a herd of seven females and one male that arrived at the zoo from Ft. Peck, Montana in November 2016. The herd was an historic gift from the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes and was significant because the Fort Peck bison are from the Yellowstone National Park bloodline, and are among the few pure bison remaining. The vast majority of present-day bison have trace amounts of domestic cattle genes, a reflection of past interbreeding efforts when western ranchers tried to create a hardier breed of cattle.
Sre Ambel, Koh Kong Province (May 10, 2017) – After being protected for three months, nine new Cambodian Royal Turtles have successfully hatched and were taken to Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre, Koh Kong Province for feeding, raising, and possibly breeding in the future.
QUEENS, NEW YORK – May 4, 2017 – An Andean bear cub (Tremarctos ornatus) born over the winter at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Queens Zoo has made his public debut. This is the first Andean bear born in New York City.
WASHINGTON (May 3, 2017) – WCS applauds the Senate introduction of legislation to reauthorize the Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA), ensuring the continuance of a highly successful and cost-effective mechanism to conserve some of the world’s most biodiverse places.
May 2, 2017 – A new WCS study reveals evidence that some corals are adapting to warming ocean waters – potentially good news in the face of recent reports of global coral die offs due to extreme warm temperatures in 2016. The study appears in the latest issue of Marine Ecology Progress Series.
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