News Releases

UN Ocean Conference: Plenary of June 9, 2017: WCS Calls for United Global Action to Save the World’s Oceans
June 9, 2017 – The following statement was issued today by Wildlife Conservation Society VP of International Policy Sue Lieberman on the closing day of the United Nations Ocean Conference, June 5-9.
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WCS Milestones In Marine Research & Conservation 1895-2017

New York, June 9, 2017 -- The Wildlife Conservation Society has been working to save the world’s oceans and marine life for well over 100 years. We are posting a timeline of our marine work today in honor of the United Nations Ocean Conference, which took place here in New York, June 5-9, 2017.

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NEW YORK– June 8, 2017 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held its annual gala at Central Park Zoo where more than 500 guests attended in support of WCS’s mission to save big cats and other wildlife across the globe. This year’s gala, themed Big Cats, honored Julian Robertson and George Schaller for their lifetime commitments and significant contributions to conservation. 

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Can Cambodia’s Rice Farmers and Bengal Floricans Co-exist?
Kampong Thom (June 08, 2017) – Commercial dry-season rice cultivation in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap floodplain increasingly threatens the Critically Endangered Bengal florican, a new study says. This and other threats puts the species at high risk of extinction in the near future, unless it is managed appropriately.
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WCS’s New York Aquarium Trashing Trash on World Oceans Day
June 8, 2017 – A team of staff, volunteers, partners and educators from WCS’s New York Aquarium cleaned the beach at Kaiser Park in Coney Island, Brooklyn today to celebrate World Oceans Day
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WCS Launches 30-Day Plastics Challenge on World Oceans Day

June 8, 2017 – For World Oceans Day – celebrated today across the globe –  WCS launches the 30-Day Plastics Challenge to reduce use of single-use disposable plastics, and to bring attention to the fact that, by some estimates, a staggering 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in the world’s oceans.

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Fiji’s Commitment to Marine Managed Areas
NEW YORK, June 7, 2017) – The Government of Fiji has made a commitment to gazette two large Marine Managed Areas (MMAs) within Fiji’s Vatu-i-Ra Seascape — a highly diverse and productive area vital to both people and wildlife alike.
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A Different Kind of “Sub-Way” Map: National Geographic and WCS’s New York Aquarium Produce First-of-its-Kind Underwater Map of New York
June 6, 2017 – To highlight the incredible wildlife diversity – and looming threats – to New York’s marine environment, WCS’s New York Aquarium and National Geographic have collaborated on a one-of-a-kind map of the 16,000-square-mile area from Montauk Point, New York to Cape May, New Jersey.
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June 5, 2017 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) today honored President Ali Bongo Ondimba for expanding marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Gabonese Republic and for his efforts to advance wildlife conservation.
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June 5, 2013 -- A new National Marine Fisheries Service proposal to authorize seismic oil and gas surveys in Atlantic coastal waters of the U.S. is drawing sharp criticism from scientists concerned about potential impacts to marine ecosystems and wildlife, specifically the endangered North Atlantic right whale.  
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