NEW YORK (August 11, 2017) – WCS helped ring in World Elephant Day, occurring this Saturday, August 12, by ringing the stock market closing bell at Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square.
WASHINGTON (August 7, 2017) – As someone with a wealth of experience in foreign policy, WCS is excited to work with Ambassador Green in his new role, especially as it relates to international conservation and combating wildlife trafficking.
NEUQUEN, Argentina (August 2, 2017)—The Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN) and the Wildlife Conservation Society Argentina (WCS) are pleased to announce the Wildlife Friendly™ certification of high quality mohair, merino wool, and cashmere, in recognition of the efforts of a cooperative of criancero herders to co-exist with the region’s native wildlife.
Bronx, NY – July 29, 2017 -- It’s Global Tiger Day, Saturday, July 29.
This day was designated as Global Tiger Day at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010 to call attention to the severe decline of tigers in the wild. On this 7th Global Tiger Day, the Bronx Zoo and all of the Wildlife Conservation Society, share ten tiger facts.
Albany, NY - Thursday, July 27, 2017 - Remarks by Sara Marinello, WCS Executive Director for Government and Community Affairs, on the NYDEC Ivory Event in Central Park on August 3.
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