News Releases

News Update: Court Sides with Bronx Zoo in Elephant Case
Albany, NY - June 14, 2022 – The New York Court of Appeals has ruled in WCS’s favor and dismissed the Nonhuman Rights Project’s petition to grant a writ of habeas corpus to Happy, an Asian elephant at the Bronx Zoo, who has been the subject of this lawsuit since 2018. This marks the fourth court to rule against NRP in this case. In a 17-page majority decision released today, the Court of Appeals—the state’s highest court—agreed with WCS’s legal argume...
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Statement on the Credibility of HFLD Credits in Global Carbon Markets

A new crediting approach for High Forest, Low Deforestation (HFLD) jurisdictions is a credible way of incentivizing the avoidance of deforestation in areas anchored by the large areas of intact forest, argue members of the Forests for Life Partnership in response to concerns raised about whether such units are appropriate for use in the CORSIA aviation offsetting mechanism.

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WCS/New York Aquarium Fighting to Designate Hudson Canyon A National Marine Sanctuary
PRESS PHOTOS/VIDEO: Credit: ©WCS or ©NOAA as labeled HUDSON CANYON VIDEO: Credit: ©WCS NEW YORK – June 8, 2022 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) commends the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for starting the designation process of Hudson Canyon as a National Marine Sanctuary. As the largest submarine canyon by far along the U.S. Atlantic Coast, Hudson Canyon is a fragile, co...
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WCS Annual Gala Celebrates Conservation for a Sustainable Future

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) hosted its annual gala tonight, honoring Jeff Bezos, founder of the Bezos Earth Fund, for his commitment to conserving nature and fighting climate change.

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Scientists Show that at Least 44 Percent of Earth’s Land Requires Conservation to Safeguard Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

New research published in the June 3, 2022 journal Science reveals that 44 percent of Earth’s land area – some 64 million square kilometers (24.7 million square miles) requires conservation to safeguard biodiversity.

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The New York – New Jersey Harbor Estuary is a Dining Hotspot During Summer and Autumn Months for Bottlenose Dolphins

They click. They whistle. They love seafood. They are New York City’s nearshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that return to feed in local waters from spring to fall each year, and a team of scientists led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is tracking them.

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580 Iconic Giant Turtle Hatchlings Released into the Mekong River

To mark World Turtle Day on May 23, 2022, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in collaboration with Fisheries Administration celebrates the conservation of the Critically Endangered Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtles in Cambodia, by releasing 580 hatchlings into the wild​ along the Mekong River in Sambour district of Kratie province​.

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Three Grizzly Bears Debut at WCS’s Central Park Zoo
New York – May 26, 2022 – There are three new grizzly bears at the Central Park Zoo. The rescued bears were moved from the Bronx Zoo to the Central Park Zoo and are making their Manhattan debut. All three grizzlies are female.  Amber and Luna are siblings, and Treena is unrelated. They were all orphaned as cubs in Montana, rescued by wildlife officials, and brought to the Bronx Zoo in 2013 where they received their initial care. They have been living in the Bronx until earlie...
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Local Responders Confirm a Dwarf Sperm Whale - A New Species in Bangladesh
Kuakata, Bangladesh - May 25, 2022 - Imagine discovering a whale in Bangladesh that looks like a shark and is smaller than most dolphins. That is exactly what happened when a member of the Kuakata Dolphin Conservation Committee posted a photograph of a Dwarf sperm whale that stranded on the beach near Kuakata. Known to scientists as Kogia sima, the whale was initially found alive. Local people heroically tried to push it back out to sea, but the whale floated back with the incoming tide before i...
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A Conservation Coalition Launches the Shark and Ray Recovery Initiative

A conservation coalition consisting of WCS, WWF, Elasmo Project, and James Cook University have launched the Shark and Ray Recovery Initiative (SARRI) as a global response to bring sharks and rays back from the brink.

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