News Releases

A recent census conducted by WCS and other groups found that Uganda’s endangered mountain gorillas have increased in number, thanks in part to a thriving ecotourism program.
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With support from WCS, the government of Cameroon creates the world’s first sanctuary exclusively for the Cross River gorilla, the rarest of the four gorilla subspecies.
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WCS researchers create an unprecedented study of the island’s wildlife, plants, and climate, mapping the habitat for 2,315 species to pinpoint the best areas for conservation.
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A single team of park rangers, working round the clock, has helped populations of storks, pelicans, ibises, and other rare waterbirds recover in Cambodia’s famed wetland.
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In Mongolia, increased vehicular and pedestrian traffic is strangling the narrow migration corridor for the saiga—Asia’s odd-ball antelope with the enormous schnoz.
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A long-term study by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the BioDiversity Research Institute, and other organizations has found and confirmed that environmental mercury—much of which comes from human-generated emissions—is impacting the health and reproductive success of common loons in the northeastern U.S.
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In many parts of the world, procuring dinner can be a daily struggle. A nose for business is not just for the savvy—it’s a survival skill.
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NEW YORK (March 4, 2008)—A long-term study by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the BioDiversity Research Institute, and other organizations has found and confirmed that environmental mercury—much of which comes from human-generated emissions—is impacting both the health and reproductive success of common loons in the Northeast. The results of the 18-year study on loons—a species symbolic of northern lakes and wilderness—appear in the most recent edition of Ecotoxicology.“This study demons...
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As western states debate removing the gray wolf from the Endangered Species List, WCS researcher Dr. Kim Berger speaks out on behalf of an unsuspecting wolf ally: the pronghorn antelope.
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Madagascar’s turtles and tortoises are vanishing, according to WCS and other groups that met recently in Antananarivo. The conservationists will launch new efforts to protect these living treasures.
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