News Releases

A new report from the Wildlife Conservation Society shows that no-take zones in Belize can not only help economically valuable species recover from overfishing, but may also help re-colonize nearby reef areas.
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Jagex supports United for WIldlife's campaign to protect wild rhinos July 10, 2014, New York – Jagex Games Studio, makers of the multi-award winning fantasy MMORPG, RuneScape, has supported a campaign by United for Wildlife, a collaboration between seven of the world’s most influential conservation organisations brought together by the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, to help promote the protection of rhinos in the wild. Starting today, RuneScape ...
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Saranac Lake, NY (July 10, 2014) - The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Adirondack Program today announced a call for volunteers to help census loons on Adirondack lakes as part of the fourteenth Annual Adirondack Loon Census taking place from 8:00–9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 19. With the help of local Adirondack residents and visitor volunteers, the census enables WCS to collect important data on the status of the breeding loon population in and around the Adirondack Park and across New York St...
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New York – July 8, 2014 –A community association, established and supported by the Wildlife Conservation Society since 2003, and focused on improving sustainable management of marine resources in Madagascar’s Antongil Bay has been awarded the Equator Prize. The community association—called the Plate-forme de Concertation pour le Développement Durable de la Baie d’Antongil (PCDDBA)—will receive $5,000 at an upcoming award ceremony at the United Nations on September 22, 2014. Presented by the Equ...
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As the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population has increased, separation between grizzly bear island populations is shrinking and closing the population gap is within reach.
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A recent study found that although the amount of protected land is increasing globally, biodiversity isn’t necessarily being protected.
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BOZEMAN, MT (June 30, 2014) -- The following statement was issued by Keith Aune, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Bison Program Coordinator, lead spokesperson for the American Bison Society (ABS), and Chair of the IUCN Bison Specialist Group for North America:“WCS, ABS, and the IUCN Bison Specialist Group applaud the bison conservation strategy outlined today by the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) in its Bison Report: Looking Forward that calls for restoration of bison to multijurisdic...
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Brooklyn, N.Y. - June 30, 2014 – A harbor seal pup (Phoca vitulina) was born at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium – only the second harbor seal born at the aquarium in the past 15 years. The male pup was born on May 27 and weighed 22 pounds at birth. “He has already made an impression on visitors and staff,” said Jon Forrest Dohlin, WCS Vice President and Director of the New York Aquarium. “He is a delightful addition to the aquarium and a treat to everyone who comes through...
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Brooklyn, N.Y. – June 26, 2014 – A golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) mother and its baby perch on a branch at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo. The young tamarin was born on May 9. Golden lion tamarins are listed as Endangered by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), with only about 1,000 animals surviving in nature. The breeding of the species is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Species Survival Plan, a cooperative breed...
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WCS study shows earlier spring seasons brought about by climate change causing long-distance migrants to breed sooner (NEW YORK-JUNE 25, 2014) – A new collaborative study that included the work of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) biologists has revealed that migratory birds that breed in Arctic Alaska are initiating nests earlier in the spring, and that snowmelt occurring earlier in the season is a big reason why. The report, “Phenological advancement in arctic bird species: relative impor...
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