News Releases

Tigers and Dolphins get SMART

Oct. 28, 2015 – Bangladesh’s tigers and dolphins have gotten SMART. Efforts to fight forestry and fisheries crime in Bangladesh were recently strengthened with the training of frontline field staff of the Bangladesh Forest Department in the use of SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool), a conservation tool for improving the effectiveness of patrols to protect threatened terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.

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October 28 - Upside Down and Underground – Cavers Going to Bat for Bats
WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) Canada has teamed up with cavers across western Canada in an effort to stop the spread of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) by launching the BatCaver program –
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Antonia M. Grumbach Elected Chair of the Wildlife Conservation Society
Oct. 27, 2015 – The WCS Board of Trustees has elected Antonia M. Grumbach, a New York attorney and long-time advisor on nonprofit governance and strategy, to serve as its Chair. 
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Brooklyn, N.Y. – Oct. 26, 2015 – The following is an excerpt of the testimony to be given today in favor of Int. 928, which would ban the sale of microbead products in New York City. The testimony will be presented by Nicole Robinson-Etienne, WCS Assistant Director of Government and Community Affairs, before the New York City Council Committee on Consumer Affairs. Microbeads are plastic particles found in some personal care and cosmetic products. 
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WCS Testifies in Favor of Massachusetts Ivory Ban
The following is an excerpt of testimony to be given today in favor of H 1275, which would help shut down the illegal trade in ivory. The testimony will be presented by Christine Manto, WCS Manager of Government and Community Affairs, before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
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WCS President and CEO Dr. Cristián Samper Inducted into 235th Class of American Academy of Arts and Sciences

October 20, 2015 – For the 235th time, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences has inducted its newest class of members. One of the nation’s oldest learned societies and independent research centers, the Academy includes among this year’s 147 inductees prominent scientists, artists, literary figures, and leaders of academic, business, philanthropic, and cultural institutions from across the United States and internationally.

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WCS’s Queens Zoo is Part of Federal, Six-State Partnership to Save New England Cottontail Rabbits
Oct. 19, 2015 – WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Queens Zoo has successfully bred rare New England cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus transitionalis) for introduction to their native New England states as part of a collaborative effort to boost the wild population. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the New England cottontail as Vulnerable
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Oct. 16, 2015 - Highlights include face-painting, crafts, pumpkin treats for the zoos’ animals, and much more.
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REPORT: Survival of Myanmar Endangered Species Relies on Sustainable Protected Areas
October 15, 2015 – Myanmar’s protected areas are facing critical funding shortages, with several unable to cover the costs of essential equipment, maintenance, and operational activities, in addition to needing more dedicated staff with increased technical capacities.
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Two New WCS Studies Look at Impact of Protected Areas

October 14, 2015 - Two WCS Co-authored papers: Protected areas and poverty; and Guiding principles for evaluating the impacts of conservation interventions on human well-being.

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