News Releases

Climate Change

Environmental Organizations, Federal and State Leaders Call for a National Biodiversity Strategy to Combat the Escalating Extinction Crisis

With one million species threatened with extinction, leading conservation organizations, including Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, World Wildlife Fund, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Wildlife Conservation Society and Natural Resources Defense Council, announced a new campaign to advocate for a national biodiversity strategy in the United States.

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WCS Joins Initiative for Ethical Agriculture and Forestry Supply Chains

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has formally joined the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi) as a supporting partner.

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A New Marine Protected Area to Protect Biodiversity and Coral Habitat Around Saint Martin’s Island in Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh has declared a new marine protected area (MPA) spanning 1,743 square kilometers (672 square miles) around Saint Martin’s Island, a region which represents 1.5 percent of Bangladesh’s exclusive economic zone.

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First-ever ‘State of Conservation Technology’ Report Identifies Top 3 Emerging Technologies to Advance Conservation

A first-of-its-kind report assessing the current field of conservation technology and various tools’ ability to diagnose, understand and address the most critical environmental challenges of our time finds three emerging technologies have particularly promising trajectories to advance conservation over the next ten years.


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When the gavel came down on the 26th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, governments of nearly 200 countries agreed to a generally common understanding of the global climate crisis, along with some – though not all — of the means to combat it. 

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The Wildlife Conservation Society is encouraged by the recognition and emphasis on the role of nature-based solutions in the Draft COP26 Decision proposed by the UK Presidency.

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NEWS FROM CoP26: Scientists Issue New Climate Adaptation “Scorecard”

A new study, co-authored by researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Forestry, offers a “scorecard” for climate adaptation projects – a set of 16 criteria that can be used to evaluate climate adaptation projects and inform their design. 

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NEWS FROM CoP26: Canada’s Fragile Northern Peatlands, Threatened by Development, Must be Protected to Achieve Net-Zero Global CO2 Emissions by 2050, Scientists Say

A team of scientists said that Canada’s vast and mostly intact peatlands – the largest peatland carbon stock on the planet – must be protected if the world is to achieve net-zero global CO2 emissions by 2050.

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NEWS FROM CoP26: WCS and Zoo and Aquarium Partners Launch #FramingOurFuture Campaign to Support Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Harnessing the power of AZA accredited zoos and aquariums across 46 states who reach 200 million people each year, the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today #FramingOurFuture – a partner-based campaign aimed at zoo visitors, as well as digital audiences, about how their actions to protect nature will support our climate. 

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NEWS FROM CoP26: Wildlife Conservation Society Scientists Say People and Nature Need More Help to Cope with Climate Emergency

Both people and nature need significantly greater investment to adapt to climate emergencies that are damaging human communities and natural habitats across the world, according to Wildlife Conservation Society adaptation scientists.

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