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Climate Change

Experts Agree on the Need for Climate-informed Wildlife Crossings

More than a dozen climate, wildlife, and road ecology experts from across the country wrote a consensus statement urging government officials at all levels to consider climate change when planning and constructing structures that help fish and wildlife cross under and over highways.

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First Report of Rare Cat Discovered on Mt. Everest

Findings from a new paper published in Cat News have identified the first ever report of Pallas’s cat on Mount Everest, in the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal.

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WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Announces 15 Grant Award Recipients for 2022, Totaling over $2.2 Million in New Funding
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has announced 15 new grant awards to conservation nonprofits implementing innovative approaches or mainstreaming methods for helping wildlife, ecosystems, and people adapt to climate change. These grants are made through the award-winning Climate Adaptation Fund, which awards grants between $50,000 and $300,000 to conservation nonprofit organizations annually, for up to $5 million in grantmaking over the course of two years. With funding from the Doris Duke...
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New Partnership to Advance the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (English and French)

The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a new partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to launch a new project to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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WCS Awarded $25 Million by Ballmer Group to Support the Forest First Approach and Forest Conservation in the Congo Basin

The Wildlife Conservation Society has received $25 million in two separate grants from Ballmer Group to support forest conservation to help address the climate crisis.

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WCS News Statement: UN Biodiversity Summit CoP15 Update

The following update was issued by the Wildlife Conservation Society upon the start of the second and final phase of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (Convention on Biological Diversity CoP15) in Montreal which opens Dec. 7.

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WCS congratulates Guyana on the issuance of the world’s first credits from the REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES), marking the first time a country has been issued carbon credits specifically targeted at voluntary and compliance carbon markets for successfully preventing forest loss and degradation.

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In the first-ever statement by scientists released today, 40 peatland researchers from 13 countries pressed for an increase in protections for peatlands, as economic development continues to threaten the integrity of these areas—which are rich in biodiversity and a key resource in efforts to limit climate change.

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WCS is holding a virtual media briefing on Thursday, December 1st, 8AM ET in advance of CBD CoP15 in Montreal Canada.

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News From COP27 Climate Conference: European Union announces EUR 25.5 M investment in Mesoamerica’s Five Great Forests (English and Spanish)

The European Union (EU) announced a 25.5 million euro investment in the protection and sustainable use of the Five Great Forests of Mesoamerica, and the Indigenous Peoples and local communities that risk their lives as their frontline defenders.

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