
How The Fate of the Tiger Is in Human Hands

Views: 369
How The Fate of the Tiger Is in Human Hands
(July 29, 2021) By marvelous fortuity or perhaps especially clever planning, International Tiger Day and World Ranger Day are two days apart on the calendar. On July 29th, the world pauses (one hopes!) to reflect on the magnificence of Asia’s great cat and remind ourselves that its fate is very much in human hands. On the 31st, we acknowledge the thousands of women and men working on the front lines of protecting the tiger and other imperiled species around the globe. The connection is especially apt. ...


Tales on Iban folklore and wildlife to create awareness

Views: 438
Tales on Iban folklore and wildlife to create awareness
(July 22, 2021) IBAN folk tales and oral history on wildlife are being broadcast on radio from this month to raise awareness on conservation. Ten three-minute recordings of the stories were produced by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia in collaboration with RTM Sarawak, with funding from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Enlyst Fund.


Conserving Borneo’s Critically Endangered Orangutans

Views: 376
Conserving Borneo’s Critically Endangered Orangutans
(June 01, 2021) I have been working with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) based in the Sarawak state of Malaysian Borneo since 2005. My journey in conserving orangutans began when I had my first chance encounter with two orangutans in the wild in 2006. I remember building a sense of awe and deep respect for them as they broke arm-sized branches with one mighty pull after another, in a territorial display. Another rare sight in the wild—two orangutan mothers, each with an infant clinging at the s...


Veteran VAT dan Orang Asli dilantik renjer hidupan liar

Views: 457
Veteran VAT dan Orang Asli dilantik renjer hidupan liar
(June 29, 2020) SERAMAI 150 Veteran Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (VAT) dan Orang Asli dilantik sebagai anggota renjer hidupan liar bagi Program Perlindungan dan Rondaan Biodiversiti (BP3). Menteri Tenaga dan Sumber Asli, Datuk Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah berkata, pasukan berkenaan bertanggungjawab membanteras kegiatan pembalakan dan pemburuan haram serta pencerobohan hutan. Katanya, tugas utama pasukan terbabit ialah mengawal lokasi panas membabitkan kawasan Taman Negara, Rizab Hidupan Liar, Taman Negeri, Hutan...


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