Software system: Android & iOS
Version: V2.0.1
Latest Update: August 21, 2014
Application information:
By using the computer guided species identification function and expert-assisted species identification, users can identify wildlife species more quickly and efficiently than more traditional methods of using paper field guides. With the new and improved second version of the app, the number of species under the computer guided identification has increased to 358. Furthermore, we've added two new modules in the latest version: "simplified search" and "product search," which adds even more flexibility to the app as well as significantly improving the users' overall experience.
Software features include:
Computer Guided Species Search: By selecting or describing the physical features of the animal, the software can assist the user in identifying species. Once selected, the species' Chinese, English and Latin name, main characteristics, and protection level will display under full color photos of the species in question.
Simplified Search: Identifying the protection level of the species which have similar features.
Experts-Assisted Species Identification: Registered users can upload photos of the species to back stage, then WCS staff will contact experts to identify the species and reply in a timely manner.
Product Search: Introducing the common identification methods of wildlife trade products.
News: Sharing the latest news and general information about wildlife conservation.
Report to Law Enforcement: Automatically display the relevant local law enforcement agencies’ names and phone number according to the location of the users. Phone numbers can be dialed from the app.
Laws and Regulations: National and local level laws and regulations on wildlife species.
v2.0.1 update: Fix bug
Please note: Some features are currently incomplete and may only be accessed by beta testers through login credentials.
Click to download:
Android: http://wcs.org.cn/download/app.apk
iOs: https://itunes.apple.com/CN/app/dong-wu-shou-hu-zhe/id603542906?mt=8
For Guardian App English version, please download by clicking on this link: