News Releases

Wildlife Managment

Last Chance for Nigeria’s Endangered Elephants: Can a National Elephant Action Plan Help Save Them?
Twenty participants from the National Park Service, Federal Department of Forestry, State Governments and NGOs attended a two-day workshop in Abuja from 23-24 June to identify sites where elephants are still found in Nigeria, as well as their status and threats. 
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WCS Indonesia's Wildlife Response Unit Coordinator, Tabah, Receives Disney Conservation Hero Award
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that Tabah, Wildlife Response Unit Coordinator of WCS Indonesia, has been honored with a 2020 Disney Conservation Hero Award. 
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Keeping a Closer Eye on Seabirds with Drones and Artificial Intelligence

Using drones and artificial intelligence to monitor large colonies of seabirds can be as effective as traditional on-the-ground methods, while reducing costs, labor and the risk of human error, a new study finds.

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The Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) -- Next Level of Biodiversity Conservation – Officially Launches (English and Spanish)

A diverse group of international stakeholders has initiated a new fund called “Legacy Landscapes Fund” (LLF) to stop the loss of biodiversity.

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How widespread is lemur and fossa meat consumption?
A new study by WCS looks at the prevalence of human consumption of lemur and fossa (Madagascar’s largest predator) in villages within and around Makira Natural Park, northeastern Madagascar, providing up-to-date estimates of the percentage of households who eat meat from these protected species.
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Now is the Time to Think about Reintroducing Jaguars into the U.S.
A group of scientists say now is the time to talk about reintroducing jaguars (Panthera onca) into the U.S.
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Hoofed Migration: New Science Study Chronicles World’s Great Overland Mammal Migrations
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) along with an international team of more than 90 scientists and conservationists have created the first-ever global atlas of ungulate (hooved mammal) migrations, working in partnership with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a UN treaty.
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WCS Statement on Eve of Earth Day 2021
The following statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society on the eve of Earth Day 2021 and the Biden-Harris Leaders Summit on Climate, April 22 and 23.
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Keeping Social Distance (From Wildlife)

Six feet of social distance may be the new norm between people, but a new WCS report says if you don’t want to disturb wildlife, you need to keep waaaaaaay back.

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Who is Selling and Trafficking Africa’s Wild Meat?
A new study classifies different types of wildlife traffickers and sellers in two of Central Africa’s growing urban centers, providing new insight into the poorly understood urban illegal wildlife trade
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