News Releases

First Report of Rare Cat Discovered on Mt. Everest

Findings from a new paper published in Cat News have identified the first ever report of Pallas’s cat on Mount Everest, in the Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal.

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Say Ahhh! Fruit Bat Gets a Check-up in the Republic of Congo

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released an image of scientists testing a straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) by taking a swab to test it for zoonotic diseases such as the Ebola virus.

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Penguin Awareness Day: Celebrating Dee Boersma’s 40 Years of Studying Penguins

Dr. Dee Boersma, a professor at the University of Washington, USA, has been studying Magellanic penguins for 40 years with support from WCS

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Penguin Awareness Day: Penguin-Cam is Back!

Just in time for Penguin Awareness Day on Friday, January 20th, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has released underwater footage taken by Magellanic penguins equipped with cameras. The footage shows the penguins zipping through coastal waters of Argentina in Tierra del Fuego Province.

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Captive Royal Turtles at Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center Lay 54 Eggs

The WCS Turtle Conservation Team recently collected 54 Royal Turtle eggs from four clutches deposited on an artificial sand bank beside a breeding pond at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC).

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WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Announces 15 Grant Award Recipients for 2022, Totaling over $2.2 Million in New Funding
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has announced 15 new grant awards to conservation nonprofits implementing innovative approaches or mainstreaming methods for helping wildlife, ecosystems, and people adapt to climate change. These grants are made through the award-winning Climate Adaptation Fund, which awards grants between $50,000 and $300,000 to conservation nonprofit organizations annually, for up to $5 million in grantmaking over the course of two years. With funding from the Doris Duke...
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VIDEO: WCS Scientists Document World’s Largest Hatching of Baby Turtles (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released incredible video footage showing hundreds of thousands of baby giant South American river turtles (Podocnemis expansa) recently emerging from nesting beaches along the Guaporé/Inténez River along the border of Brazil and Bolivia.

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New Partnership to Advance the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (English and French)

The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a new partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to launch a new project to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Study: Over 330 Fish Species – up to 35 New to Science – Found in Bolivian National Park (English and Spanish)

The number of fish species recorded in Madidi National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area (PNANMI), Bolivia has doubled to a staggering 333 species – with as many as 35 species new to science – according of a study conducted as part of the Identidad Madidi expedition led by the Wildlife Conservation Society.

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WCS is issuing the following statements concerning the new EU Global Health Strategy - Better Health for All in a Changing World.

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