News Releases

Baby Patagonian cavies; mini Nubian goat kids; new Demoiselle cranes delight visitors of all ages New York, NY – Sept. 6, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Central Park Zoo today announced new additions to the Tisch Children’s Zoo – two baby Patagonian cavies; two mini Nubian goat kids; and three Demoiselle cranes. Patagonian cavies are rodents native to South America. The two new babies were born to mother Mara and father Max the last week of August. Though they look ...
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Delivering a keynote speech at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, Republic of Korea, WCS President and CEO Dr. Cristián Samper shared his vision for the future of wildlife conservation.
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First elk born at the zoo since 2003 Flushing, N.Y. – Sept. 7, 2012– A Roosevelt elk calf was born at the Queens Zoo in July. The male calf, born to mother Olympia, is the first Roosevelt elk calf to be born at the zoo since 2003. Mother and calf live on the zoo’s plains with four other Roosevelt elk.  Roosevelt elk are the largest sub-species of elk and are one of the largest-bodied animals in North America. They have distinctive coats with a dark brown hea...
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Celebrate a New York Halloween traditionat WCS’s Bronx Zoo Safe, family-friendly activities include: The Haunted Habitat Mansion, Creepy Hollows Hayride, Costume Parade, music, magic, and MORE Pumpkin carving demonstrations are back Boo at the Zoo festivities run FIVE weekends beginning Saturday, Sept. 29 Sept. 29-30; Oct. 6-8, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28New York – Sept. 6, 2011 – Boo at the Zoo returns to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo for five full weekends of Halloween-them...
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$7.5 million gift will help fund the aquarium’s Ocean Wonders: Sharks! exhibit  New York City Has Committed $93.1 million Brooklyn, N.Y. – Sept. 6, 2012 ATTACHED PHOTO: Pictured left to right are: Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) President and CEO Dr. Cristián Samper, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Don Zucker, WCS Trustee Barbara Hrbek Zucker, City Council Member Domenic M. Recchia, Jr., NYS Assembly Member Alec Brook-Krasny, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, WC...
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WCS President and CEO, Dr. Cristián Samper, delivered the following keynote speech during the 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea. His speech may be read below.Martha's Legacy:The past, present and future of species, ecosystems and human livelihoods"On September 1, 1914, nearly 100 years ago, the last passenger pigeon passed away in a cage in the Cincinnati Zoo after many years in captivity. Her name was Martha. She was the last of her kind and with her, this extraordinary...
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EL LEGADO DE MARTHA: Pasado, presente y futuro de las especies, los ecosistemas y la subsistencia de los seres humanos Dr. Cristián Samper Wildlife Conservation Society Resumen de una presentación redactada para el Congreso IUCN en Jeju, Corea Septiembre de 2012El 1° de septiembre de 1914, hace casi 100 años, falleció la última paloma migratoria en una jaula del Cincinnati Zoo después de vivir muchos años en cautiverio. Su nombre era Martha. Era el último ejemplar de ...
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Event Date: Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012 Register now>> Brooklyn, N.Y. – Sept. 5, 2012–Pacific walruses at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium have been basking in the summer weather -- perhaps resting up for WCS’s Run for the Wild, to be held on the boardwalk at the New York Aquarium on Saturday October 6th. This year’s 5k run and family fun run/walk will benefit walruses and other sea life. Walruses are facing serious environmental threats. Climat...
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Ted Roosevelt V, the great-great-grandson of our country's 26th President, has voiced his support for the bison as the country's national mammal. Writing for USA Today, Roosevelt recounts the mammal's storied history and explains the importance of the National Bison Legacy Act. 
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Attending the World Conservation Congress in Korea, leaders from WCS promote a three-pronged approach to conservation that focuses on recognition, responsibility, and recovery. Comparing tigers and bison, WCS emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for species on the brink.
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