News Releases

COP28 Must Be A Turning Point for Our Planet and All People
Dubai, Nov. 30, 2023 – The following statement was issued by Monica Medina, President and CEO of the Wildlife Conservation Society: “The world's most vulnerable people and nature’s most fragile places are disproportionately bearing the costs of the climate crisis, a crisis driven by the world's wealthiest and the fossil fuel industry. “COP28 will be judged on whether it leads to: decarbonizing our economies more rapidly and eliminating fossil fuel ...
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WCS Welcomes New Methodology As a Pathway to Scaling REDD+
NEW YORK, November 28, 2023 -- The following statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society: Second only to reducing fossil fuel consumption, protection of carbon stocks in natural forests and other ecosystems represents the most viable strategy available to mitigate climate change at scale. Protecting carbon-rich ecosystems also provides extensive benefits to biodiversity and the local communities reliant on forest resources. High-integrity climate finance projects remain an...
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New Agreement Provides Long-Term Annual Funding to Protect  Climate-Critical Madagascar Wilderness Area
New York, NY -- Madagascar’s Makira-Masoala wilderness will receive an annual $1 million grant through a new agreement between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF), with support from Arcadia. The agreement provides annual funding of $1 million per year under LLF’s perpetual funding model, which will help preserve the integrity of Madagascar’s climate-critical eastern rainforests and support the area’s ecosystem services. ...
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Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights Officially Open for the 2023 Holiday Season

New York City’s family-favorite Holiday Lights tradition is officially underway at the Bronx Zoo.

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Papua New Guinea Triples Ocean Protection, Announcing Two New Marine Protected Areas

Papua New Guinea today announced more than 1.5 million hectares (more than 16,000 km2) of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

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Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights Opening Night Media Event on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023

NYC’s family-favorite holiday tradition returns to the Bronx Zoo with many new illumated features.

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New York, Nov. 10, 2023 – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) climate specialists and policy experts will hold a virtual news briefing 10AM ET Friday, Nov. 17 on the issues that will be addressed at the United Nations global climate summit, COP28 UAE in Dubai. WCS runs the largest field-based conservation program in the world; protecting more than 50 percent of the world’s known biodiversity. What:  Virtual Pre-COP28 Press Briefing When:  10AM ET to 11AM ET...
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Bronx Zoo Debuts Rarely Seen Endangered Mangshan Pit Viper Hatchling In World of Reptiles Nursery
NEW YORK, Nov. 10, 2023 -- Mangshan pit vipers (Protobothrops mangshanensis) are seldom encountered in the wild, but visitors to the Bronx Zoo now have an opportunity to observe a hatchling in the nursery at the World of Reptiles. Among the world’s rarest snake species, the venomous, vividly colored Mangshan pit viper was only discovered in 1990 and is believed to exist in the wild solely within a 115-square-mile (300-square-kilometer) area of densely forested mountains in southeast Chi...
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Emerging Threat to Marine Wildlife from Trade Demand for Croaker Fish Swim Bladders

The heightened value of croaker swim bladders, or maws, is contributing to the endangerment of multiple marine species, including the Critically Endangered vaquita porpoise that exists only in Mexico’s Gulf of California, the authors of a new article in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem have found. 

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Snow Leopard Cubs, “Ghosts of the Mountains,” Debut at the Bronx Zoo
Bronx, NY (Nov. 3, 2023) – Two snow leopard cubs are debuting at the Bronx Zoo. Snow leopards, among the world’s most elusive big cats, are rarely seen in the wild and are sometimes referred to as “the ghost of the mountains.” The species lives in some of the harshest conditions on Earth; in high elevations in the mountains of central Asia, including Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and U...
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