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The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine and its Feline Health Center, and the University of Glasgow's Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine have just co-convened the first "Vaccines for Conservation" international meeting at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo in New York City. Experts from around the world focused on the threat that canine distemper virus poses to the conservation of increasingly fragmented populations of threatened carnivores. While canine distemper has been known for many years as a problem affecting domestic dogs, the virus has been appearing in new areas and causing disease and mortality in a wide range of wildlife species, including tigers and lions. In fact, many experts agree that the virus should not be called “canine distemper” virus at all, given the diversity of species it infects.
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NEW YORK (December 17, 2014) –The Board of Directors of the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) has approved $1 million in support to be granted over the next 5 years to WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) for its Amazon Waters initiative, a major participatory watershed and natural resource management initiative in Amazonas State, Brazil, and Loreto Department, Peru. Amazon Waters aims to protect fisheries, wildlife, and habitats in two major Amazonian watersheds ...
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Young seals make move to Manhattan from Brooklyn Harbor seals return to zoo after three years Species can be found in waters surrounding New York City WCS’s New York Seascape Program works locally to save marine species New York, NY – Dec. 16, 2014 – Two young harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) have made their public debut at WCS’s Central Park Zoo. It is the first time since 2011 that the species has been exhibited ...
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Craig Groves To Lead Cutting-Edge Science Initiative Tackling Challenges Such As Fracking, Sustainable Agriculture, Coastal Defenses, Global Fish Stocks & Communicating Climate Change Through Video Games ARLINGTON, VA. – December 8, 2014 – Science for Nature and People (SNAP) — a new science initiative producing solutions on issues from hydraulic fracturing to sustainable agriculture intensification to protecting coastlines in the face of sea-level rise — has named...
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Program teaches children ages 6 to 8 about adaptations marine mammals have to survive the cold Activities include games, crafts, and animal exhibit visits Registration and more information available at Brooklyn, N.Y. –– Nov. 20, 2014 – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society’s) New York Aquarium has announced registration for its winter mini camp, “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” Monday and Tuesday, Dec....
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Public-Private Partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Goldman Sachs, and Chilean people marks first decade with milestones of scientific discovery, conservation, and public education & engagement Created in 2004, the 735,000 acre reserve in Chilean Tierra del Fuego contains southernmost old growth forests, largest population of guanacos in Chile, condors, and spectacular marine wildlife Intact forests and peatlands sequester almost 300 million tons of c...
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WCS’s Wildlife Crimes Unit Assists Ministry in Bust Arrest marks latest enforcement action of Indonesia’s recent national protection of manta rays Indonesia operates largest known shark and ray fisheries on earth NEW YORK (November 12, 2014) – The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society’s) Wildlife Crimes Unit announced the largest confiscation of illegal manta ray parts as part of...
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WCS: The Escape of Elephant Poaching Suspects from Niassa National Reserve Only Sparks More Determination to Stop the CriminalsNiassa National Reserve, Mozambique, Nov. 7, 2014 The following statement was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society concerning the escape of two suspected elephant poachers. The poachers escaped on Oct. 27th from a Mecula police station. The suspects, arrested with guns and ammunition in their possession, were to be prosecuted under a stricter law which wo...
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For years, beavers have been trapped and shot as varmints in the western U.S. According to WCS’s Jeff Burrell in the New York Times, though, people are starting to realize we need cheap ways to store water or “we’re going to be up a creek, a dry creek.” Beavers (and their dams) can help.It turns out beaver dams aren't easy to replicate, and the benefits they provide are crucial. Due largely to fur trapping, by 1930 there were no more than 100,000 beavers in North America, down from the tens of m...
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On social media, bison fans are posting their #BeardsForBison Senate passed bipartisan resolution to officially commemorate National Bison Day Find a Bison Day event near you at Washington, D.C. – October 31, 2014 – The Vote Bison Coalition is joining bison-friendly businesses, groups and individuals around the country today to celebrate the third annual National Bison Day on Saturday, November 1. More than 19 events are occurring in at least 15 states to celebrate N...
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