In anticipation of World Gorilla Day (Monday, September 24th), WCS is releasing a list of 10 facts on the world’s largest primates and one of humankind’s closest relatives. WCS scientists conduct research to inform conservation of the species and manage on-the-ground conservation projects across Africa to protect these great apes and their habitats. In New York City, WCS plays a vital role in giving millions of people the opportunity to see gorillas at its Bronx Zoo Congo Gorilla Forest, home to one of North America’s largest breeding groups of western lowland gorillas.
A shocking study in the journal Science by the University of Queensland, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and University of Northern British Columbia confirms that one third of the world’s protected areas – an astonishing 2.3 million square miles or twice the size of the state of Alaska – are now under intense human pressure including road building, grazing, and urbanization.
November 30, 2017 – Despite some forest loss, Mozambique’s sprawling Niassa National Reserve has the potential to support tens of thousands of elephants and 1,000 lions according to a new land-use study published in the journal Parks.
BUENAVENTURA, Colombia (Sept. 15, 2017) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Environment and Sustainable Development Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo, and Director of Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (Colombian National Parks) Julia Miranda announced yesterday the expansion of the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo (Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary) and the declaration of the Distrito Nacional de Manejo Integrado Yuruparí-Malpelo (Yuruparí-Malpelo National Integrated Management District) in the Pacific region of Colombia.
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