News Releases


WCS scientist assesses conservation value of 1.3 million acres of roadless public land in Montana’s Crown of the Continent Ecosystem   BOZEMAN, MT (June 21, 2011) –A new report by the Wildlife Conservation Society highlights the critical importance of 1.3 million acres of roadless, public lands in Montana’s spectacular Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. The report recommends that most of these lands be preserved to protect wolverines, bighorn sheep, westslope cutthro...
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Eight Chinese merganser ducklings hatch at WCS’s Central Park Zoo New York, NY – June 21, 2011- The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Central Park Zoo has successfully hatched eight critically endangered Chinese merganser ducklings – a first for any North American zoo.   The eight ducklings were hatched on April 26.  The zoo has two breeding pairs of Chinese mergansers, or scaly-sided mergansers, a species of sea duck found in eastern Asia.     WCS’s Central Park Zoo maintains the largest publ...
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Helping to save the Amur Tiger using a state of the art Management Information System (MIST) Terney, Russian Far Easy – June 10, 2011 – This week, a three-day training workshop took place at Sikhote Alin State Nature Biosphere Reserve in Primorski Krai (Russian Far East), to train inspectors in the use of the latest techniques in wildlife protection. The training forms part of a collaboration between four State Nature Reserves/National Parks containing important tiger hab...
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Recent expedition by WCS and partners found reef teeming with life WCS supports local communities in returning to a traditional ban on fishing NEW YORK (June 8, 2011) – The Wildlife Conservation Society, Pacific Blue Foundation, Wetlands International, and the Waitt Institute announced today that the people of Fiji’s Totoya Island have declared part of their coral reefs sacred in honor of World Oceans Day.   WCS Fiji Di...
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In honor of World Oceans Day, June 8th, the people of Fiji's Totoya Island declare a portion of their vibrant coral reefs sacred. The measure will help ensure the continued health of the island's coastal resources, its ecosystem, and its residents' livelihoods and culture.
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Donation will support efforts by eco-guards to protect gorillas from warfare and poachers   NEW YORK (June 7, 2011)—The world’s largest and least known type of gorilla will receive a helping hand from Newman’s Own Foundation, which has awarded the Wildlife Conservation Society a $150,000 grant to help save the Grauer’s gorilla in the war-torn landscape of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The grant will help equip and support park rangers (or eco-guards) in their struggle to ...
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@font-face { font-family: "Arial"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }a:link, span.MsoHyperlink { color: blue; text-decoration: underline; }a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { color: purple; text-decoration: underline; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and Councilman Domenic Recchia join registration opening announcementFirst annual WCS Run for the Wild ...
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WCS-led census continues to monitor vital increases in beleaguered vulture populations NEW YORK (June 3, 2011)— The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other members of the Cambodia Vulture Conservation Project are launching what has become an annual event: the Cambodia vulture census. For the past five years, WCS and other partners have recorded an increase in the country’s vulture populations, a glimmer of hope for these vital scavengers that have been decimated throughout Asia. Partici...
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WCS begins our annual tally of vulture populations in Cambodia. After last year’s record numbers, hopes for these birds are on the rise.
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