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Global Conservation

STUDY: Scientists Say World’s Protected Areas Need a Re-Boot
An international study published today in the journal Science argues that the current international target for the protected area estate, accepted by over 190 nations, is failing. They propose a new measurable target based on the best scientific evidence that they say will galvanize greater and more effective conservation efforts.
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New Initiative Launched to Help Protect New York’s Great Whales
Equinor Wind US, the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) today launched a joint project to deploy two acoustic buoys designed to expand the detection and monitoring of whale species found in the waters of New York Bight.
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Government of Belize Expands Marine Protected Areas in Biodiverse Offshore Waters
The government of Belize has approved “The Expansion of Fisheries Replenishment (No-Take) Zones,” which will increase the total area of Belize’s protected waters from 4.5 percent to 11.6 percent, according to WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society). 
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Sweeping Census Provides New Population Estimate For Western Chimpanzees

A sweeping new census published in the journal Environmental Research Letters estimates 52,800 western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) live in eight countries in western Africa, with most of them found outside of protected areas, some of which are threatened by intense development pressures.

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Manus Island Indigenous Communities Renew Conservation Agreements to Protect Their Forests

Fifty-two clans on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), recently renewed conservation agreements to protect 43,000 Hectares of their forested land areas.

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WCS EU Congratulates Belgium for Moving Closer to Closing its Domestic Ivory Market (English and French)
WCS EU applauds the competent Chamber Committee for supporting the Law proposal 54K3202001, which once adopted will ban domestic sales, export and import of elephant ivory within, from, and to Belgium.
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Translocated Zebras Flourishing in New Home
Conservationists from WCS’s Tanzania Program say translocated zebras are flourishing in Kitulo National Park.
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The John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act was signed into law today. 
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New Study Shows Global Map of Wildlife “Cool-Spots” Where Wildlife Thrives, and “Hot-Spots” Where Species are Imperiled

A new study maps nature’s strongholds where the world’s threatened species can take refuge from the ravages of unregulated hunting, land clearing, and other industrial activities.

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Coral Reef Parks Protecting Only 40 Percent of Fish Biomass Potential
Marine scientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups examining the ecological status of coral reefs across the Indian and Pacific oceans have uncovered an unsettling fact: even the best coral reef marine parks contain less than half of the fish biomass found in the most remote reefs that lie far from human settlements.
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