News Releases

Global Conservation

Fifteen Shark Species Now Defined as Critically Endangered
The release last week of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN's) assessment of giant guitarfish and wedgefish identifies these flattened sharks as the world's most threatened marine fish.
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Gearing Up for Reporting on CITES – A Cheat Sheet

All You Need to Know about the Aug. 17-28 Wildlife Trade Conference in Geneva, Switzerland

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The Designation of Rote Essential Ecosystem Area as the Habitat for the Roti Island Snake-Necked Turtle

WCS Indonesia expresses its high appreciation to the Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) for establishing a Wetland Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) as the habitat for the Roti Island snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi) in Rote Ndao District on June 18, 2019.

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Study Documents Impacts of Selective Logging and Associated Disturbance on Intact Forest Landscapes and Wildlife of Northern Congo

A new study says that the tropical forests of Western Equatorial Africa (WEA) – which include significant stands of Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) – are increasingly coming under pressure from logging, poaching, and associated disturbances.

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WCS Statement on Massive INTERPOL Wildlife Bust

The Wildlife Conservation Society applauds the World Customs Organization (WCO) and INTERPOL for its coordinated Operation Thunderball, arresting hundreds of wildlife crime suspects across 109 countries and with more than 1800 seizures of animal and animal parts including big cats, elephant tusks and ivory, rhino horns, birds, reptiles, primates and much more. 

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The Government of Bangladesh announced the declaration of the Nijhum Dwip Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the northern Bay of Bengal to safeguard critical spawning grounds for the country’s most valuable fish species and some of the world’s largest populations of endangered dolphins, porpoises, sharks, rays, and marine turtles.

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Photographic Identities of Individual Elephants Provide Reliable Information on their Population in India’s Kaziranga National Park

Cutting-edge research carried out by scientists from Wildlife Conservation Society India (WCS-India), in collaboration with the Forest Department, Assam, is paving the way for reliable estimation of Asian elephant populations.

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Study Says Conservation Efforts for the Giant South American River Turtle Have Protected 147,000 Females

By analyzing records in countries of the Amazon and Orinoco basins—which include Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador—a paper published today in Oryx—The International Journal of Conservation, categorized 85 past and present initiatives or projects that work to preserve the South American River Turtle, or charapa (Podocnemis expansa), a critically endangered species. These projects are protecting more than 147,000 female turtles across the basin, an unprecedented figure.

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Key Wildlife Populations Remaining in South Sudan Despite Five and a Half Years  of Armed Conflict
— The new Boma-Badingilo Landscape program was launched by the US Government, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Government of South Sudan, and Local Community Representatives, on June 18th, 2019 at the Boma National Park Headquarters, South Sudan. 
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Global Conservation Organizations Applaud Government of Belize for New Commitment to Protect Central America's Largest, Highly Imperiled Forest

Leading conservation organizations, including Global Wildlife Conservation, Panthera, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and World Wildlife Fund, alongside The Belize Zoo, Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and Field School, and the University of Belize and its Environmental Research Institute, have joined together to applaud the government of Belize for declaring new plans to protect the Maya Forest Corridor – a critical link in Central America’s largest forest and a vital wildlife pathway.

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