WCS President and CEO Steve Sanderson appeared on WNET's Worldfocus on Dec. 17 and in an audio podcast for Scientific American on Dec. 18 to discuss climate change as world leaders gathered in Copenhagen to try to reach agreement on how to protect the planet from future greenhouse gas emissions.

On Worldfocus, Sanderson discussed WCS's recent report ''Species Feeling the Heat," and emphasized the connections between human economic needs and the natural world.

Said Sanderson: "So many of our interests are joined with those are the natural world...we are a part of nature."

Click here to see the interview: Climate Change Debate Pits Economy Against Nature

In the podcast posted on Scientific American, Sanderson discusses a range of issues, including conservation as diplomacy, valuing natural systems and the services they provide to communities, and climate change.

Click here to listen to the interview: Copenhagen and Everywhere Else