
Entries for 'Shariff Mohamad'

Populasi babi hutan makin berkurang punca pak belang mengganas

Views: 780
Populasi babi hutan makin berkurang punca pak belang mengganas
(December 04, 2023) PENURUNAN populasi babi hutan menjadi antara faktor harimau semakin mengganas hingga berani menyerang manusia dan haiwan ternakan di sesebuah kawasan. Pengarah Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia, Dr Mark Rayan Darmaraj berkata, pengurangan populasi salah satu mangsa utama harimau itu adalah disebabkan kemunculan penyakit demam babi Afrika atau African Swine Fever (ASF). Menurutnya, wabak itu melanda spesies babi, tak kira liar atau domestik dan mempunyai kadar kematian tingg...


More private capital needed for nature conservation, say panellists

Views: 418
More private capital needed for nature conservation, say panellists
(October 25, 2023) KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 25): The adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework in December 2022 made clear that nature conservation demanded capital investments beyond the typical philanthropy by the private sector. This was the heart of the discussion at the panel titled “Conservation reinvented: Modern era conservation strategies” at the JC3 Journey to Zero Conference 2023, held at Sasana Kijang in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.  The biennial JC3 Conference, organised by...


Science Matters: Best practices for preserving nature

Views: 471
Science Matters: Best practices for preserving nature
(September 27, 2023) WCS Malaysia's main activities revolve around helping the Malaysian government in conducting biological monitoring and supporting protection efforts of wildlife such as tiger, elephant, orang-utan as well as sharks and rays. Wildlife conservationist Dr. Mark Rayan Darmaraj assumed the role of Country Director for WCS-Malaysia back in 2021, and continues to work on implementing conservation strategies that protect habitats and species. We catch up with Mark to discuss WCS-Malaysia's work ...


Mining spectre still hangs over conservation of Malayan tiger

Views: 413
Mining spectre still hangs over conservation of Malayan tiger
(September 17, 2023) KUALA LUMPUR: The decision to strengthen measures to protect the Malayan tiger, as stated in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) mid-term review on Sept 11, is good news, but worries over proposals for mining in protected areas remain, says the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). WCS Malaysia programme country director Mark Rayan Darmaraj pointed to the National Minerals Policy, which acts as a guide for mining activities in permanent forest reserves and environmentally sensitive areas. He said...


Making sure the Malayan tiger keeps burning bright

Views: 501
Making sure the Malayan tiger keeps burning bright
(August 12, 2023) WHILE the Malayan tiger population in some areas such as Endau-Rompin in Johor is showing signs of stabilising after dipping in previous years, their overall numbers in the wild continue to hang in the balance. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia Programme country director Dr Mark Rayan Darmaraj says it is hard to determine how the animal is faring at the national level without having assessed the latest figures from all sites where the species is found. 


Increase prey species for tigers in the wild, group urges

Views: 333
Increase prey species for tigers in the wild, group urges
(August 06, 2023) PETALING JAYA: A conservation group is urging wildlife authorities to focus on increasing prey species for the tigers in the wild, especially in the Endau Rompin region which has seen an escalation of cattle predation by tigers. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Malaysia Programme country director Dr Mark Rayan Darmaraj said there was a fear that the African swine fever (ASF) had continued to decimate the population of wild pigs and could even cause a localised extinction of the animals. ...


Bitter battles: Man vs. Tiger

Views: 266
Bitter battles: Man vs. Tiger
(July 04, 2023) In yet another unfortunate casualty in the human-tiger conflict, a tiger was shot dead by a farmer last week after it attacked the farmer's cows. Dr. Mark Rayan Darmaraj, the Country Director at the Wildlife Conservation Society Malaysia Program spoke to us about what could have been done differently here. He also talked about strategies that can help mitigate the human-wildlife conflict and promote coexistence.


Tiger fingerprints: Using AI to track tiger stripes in order to stop poaching

Views: 262
Tiger fingerprints: Using AI to track tiger stripes in order to stop poaching
(September 20, 2022) The mystery of Tigress T13 - that's how one local newspaper in India described the case of notorious wildlife smuggler, Nepalese Lodu Dime, who was arrested in 2018 after years on the run.


Perak Considering Using An Elephant Alarm Fence System From Thailand

Views: 299
Perak Considering Using An Elephant Alarm Fence System From Thailand
(September 15, 2022) Perak intends to apply the elephant alarm fence system used in the state of Johor to resolve the issue of disturbances by wild animals in the state. However, according to the Executive Councillor for Health, Science, Environment and Green Technology, Mohd Akmal Kamaruddin, his side is also considering using similar technology from Thailand. “Regarding the alarm system that uses technology from Indonesia, I have included this matter in the Exco meeting and the results of the visit to ...


Fast-track setting up Wildlife Crime Bureau, govt urged

Views: 318
Fast-track setting up Wildlife Crime Bureau, govt urged
(July 04, 2022) KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia should fast track setting up the Wildlife Crime Bureau under the police to tackle wildlife poaching and trafficking. The recent arrest of a Malaysian suspect in Thailand showed that illicit wildlife trading was still rampant in the country. Wildlife Conservation Society Malaysia Programme country director Dr Mark Rayan Darmaraj said such a unit could be a game-changer for intelligence-gathering and swift prosecution. "I believe this unit, if established with ...


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