Thippachanh Philavong
Accounting Manager
Thippachanh Philavong has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Administration from Comcenter College, Laos and a Certificate as a Lao Certified Public Accountant from the Accounting Department of the Lao Ministry of Finance. She worked at Ernst and Young from 2005 to 2013 before moving to WCS in September 2015 as Accounting Manager. Her role is the monitoring and managing of expenditure, reporting, audits and quality control, and staff administration.
Vanvay Chitpaseuth
Program Manager, Laos
Vanvay Chitpaseuth has been employed by WCS Laos as Program Manager for Integrated Ecosystem and Wildlife Management Program (IEWMP) in Bolikhamxay Province since September 2017. His major background is forestry, but he also graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and a Higher Diploma in English.
With over 20 years of experience in conservation, livelihoods and co-management, Vanvay is a senior local expert, but he is still keen to learn and listen. He believes sustainability happens when livelihoods are improved, and local authorities have ownership and adopt co-management principles
vithaya sithinarongsy
Administrative Assistant
Vithaya Sithinarongsy graduated with a Bachelor of finance Degree from Donkhamxang after which he volunteered for the Savannakhet Provincial Agriculture and Forestry office’s Protected Area and Forest Protection Management Division. Vithaya joined the WCS Lao PDR Savannakhet team in 2020 as the program’s Driver and Administration assistant, a role which sees him assisting on many tasks from inputting fisheries sample data to measuring crocodile hatchlings, Vitaya helps the Savannakhet Team in many ways.
Vongsavanh Douangchantha
Community Engagement Officer
joined WCS Lao PDR Savannakhet Landscape team in 2020 as the Community Engagement Officer. Vongsavanh received a Bachelor degree in Agriculture and Forestry from Dongkhamchang Agricultural and Forestry Technical College. His work in community livelihood engagement started in his own village, where he founded and led a mushroom production co-operative for several years after graduation. He has worked for numerous other rural livelihood projects leading work on food security, participatory land-use and livelihoods planning, WASH, and other topics. Vongsavanh believes “that it is important to raise awareness amongst communities on the benefits of natural resource management and biodiversity conservation to strengthen interest in more sustainable alternative income sources, leading to both improved livelihoods and local support for nature conservation”.