Janina Bikova
Ecotourism Advisor
Janina is a Latvian who has been studying and working abroad in France, South Asia and South East Asia since 2010. She holds a MSc Degree in Geography and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas with a focus on Ecotourism, and in 2013 moved to Laos to work in the responsible tourism sector. She joined WCS in 2015 as Ecotourism Advisor for Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA, where her activities focus on ensuring successful management and development of the NPA’s ecotourism by linking together growing community-based tourism activity with conservation objectives.
Jay White
Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA Technical Adviser
Jay served three years as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife Science from Paul Smith’s College in upstate New York. In 2015, on completing his Peace Corps service, Jay moved to Muang Hiam, Houaphanh Province as an on-site Conservation Intern working with Nam Et-Phou Louey law enforcement patrols and wildlife survey teams in a quality-control role. In 2016, Jay became the on-site Technical Adviser in Nam Et-Phou Louey, a role and stationing he still retains.
Khamkeo Syxaiyakham Thor
Assistant Program Manager, Laos
Khamkeo Syxaiyakham completed his BSc in Ecotourism from the National University of Laos in 2012 and an MSc in Conservation Ecology from KMUTT, Thailand in 2018. He worked with WCS as an Ecotourism Officer based in Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA from late 2012 to 2015, conducting gibbon research for his Masters’ Degree in NEPL as well as being involved in several wildlife surveys in central Laos. Khamkeo’s responsibility at WCS, as of early 2019, is assisting the Program Manager in supporting the implementation of all program activities in NEPL NPA.
Khampavath Samanboth
Outreach Project Officer
Khampavath graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Environmental Quality Science from the National University of Laos. He has been working at Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA since late 2012, where he began as a government volunteer and was involved in the conservation campaign activities conducted around the protected area. Khampavath was employed by WCS in 2016 with the responsibility of supporting the implementation of conservation and outreach activities in NEPL NPA.
Khamphui Invixay
Field Information Systems Officer (SMART/GIS)
Khamphui Invixay has worked for WCS as a Field Information Systems Officer (SMART/GIS) in the Nam Et–Phou Louey National Park since 2017. He graduated from the National University of Laos in 2015 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, specializing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). His main responsibilities are analysis of SMART and GIS data as well as land satellite imagery. Khamphui uses his expertise in this analysis to produce reports and maps for the WCS NEPL program and NEPL government administration to keep them informed of trends and rates in hunting threats and deforestation around the National Park.
Kiengkai Khoonsrivong
Project Coordinator
Based in Paksan, Bolikhamxay Province, Kiengkai Khoonsrivong works for WCS as Project Coordinator in the Nam Kading National Protected Area. Kiengkai graduated with a Diploma of Forestry and has previous experience in related projects involving monitoring and evaluation, improving the living conditions of communities, and land use planning.
Kikham Chanthapidavong
Program Officer: Information Systems
Kikham graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Geographical Sciences and Geographic Information Systems at the National University of Laos in 2012. He then began work with IEWMP (Program Cooperation for Biodiversity Protection between PAFO and WCS Lao) in the Nam Kading Protected Area in the Bolikhamxay landscape.
He has more than 5 years of experience on SMART Information System and Law Enforcement, having worked on the MIST/SMART Law Enforcement database used in protected area management, and GIS since 2013, and contracted directly to the WCS Lao Program in 2016.
Kongphasit Phasungthong
Accounting Assistant
Kongphasit began working for WCS in Bolikhamxay Province as an Accounting Assistant in December 2018. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree majoring in English as well as one in Finance and Banking at The Savannakhet Teacher Training College and at Xayphatthana Economic College.
Kongphasit values nature and wildlife and believes that if we work together on conservation, wildlife will increase.
Kongsy Khammavong
Wildlife Health Project Coordinator
Kongsy KHAMMAVONG completed her Bachelor's degree in forestry in 2008 at National University of Laos. She worked as a WCS Research Student in 2008. She started working with WCS as a Project assistant in the Wildlife Trade Project after finishing University and then a year later she worked as a Project Officer in the Wildlife health program, looking primary at zoonotic diseases in traded wildlife. In 2015, she was promoted to be project coordinator for the Wildlife Health program in Laos, to coordinate implementing the LACANET-One Health Surveillance. Currently, she works as a coordinator in the DTRA-funded wildlife health project.
Maiphaeng Phaengkomphan
Site Office Manager (Field Accountant)
Maiphaeng works for WCS as the Site Office Manager (Field Accountant) in the Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA in north-eastern Laos. Maipheng graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Management from the National University of Laos. She has worked at NEPL since early 2013, initially as an accountant and administrator before being promoted to her present position.