Maykham Soukhathammavong
Accounting Assistant
Maykham Soukhathammavong completed her first Higher Diploma in English Teaching at Kangkhay Teacher Training College before gaining a Bachelor Diploma in Finance and Administration. Her first job was at SOS Children’s Village in Houaphanh Province, Laos. After almost seven years of working there, she decided to seek fresh challenges with NGOs such as SNV and SPSL, before taking on the role of Accounting Assistant at WCS.
Moua Yachithor
Community Engagement Program Coordinator
Moua graduated with a Higher Diploma in Vocational Education and Training from Polytechnic College, Vientiane in 2010. Upon graduation, he began work at Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area, his birthplace, as an Outreach Assistant for WCS. He has since taken the position of Conservation Education and Outreach Officer of NEPL, based in Vientiane and, more recently, as the Project Coordinator for Community Engagement/Outreach for the WCS Bolikhamxay program. In 2017 Moua moved back to Nam Et-Phou Louey as the WCS Livelihood and Community Engagement Program Coordinator.
Ninthita Vandydonesavanh
Project Administration Officer
Ninthita, a lifetime resident of the Nam Et-Phou Louey area, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from National University of Laos in 2016. She started working with WCS as the NEPL Administration Officer based in NEPL in 2017. Her responsibilities include managing and maintaining project supplies and equipment, organizing activity logistics, and assisting the field accountant.
Oudomxay Thongsavath
Savannakhet Program Manager
Oudomxay Thongsavath first worked at WCS between 2011-2014 for crocodile conservation project Coordinator in the Xe Champhone Wetland. When this program was completed he continued working in Xe Champhone Wetlands with IUCN until 2019 when he rejoined WCS as the coordinator for the renewed and expanded Savannakhet Landscape Program. He holds a degree in forestry from the Savannakhet Agriculture and Forestry College as well as an English language teaching diploma from the Savannakhet Teacher Training College. He has more than 10 years of experience and specialization in community engagement, co-management, ecotourism, Wetland and endangered species conservation and has been a member of the IUCN/SCC Crocodile Specialists Group since 2013. Oudomxay believes that conservation tasks need time and to always include capacity building for local government and communities. Improving awareness of the long-term benefits to livelihoods from natural resource management and building local interest in biodiversity conservation are goals he works to achieve.
Palina Souliyadeth
Human Resources and Government Liaison Coordinator
Palina Souliyadeth completed her Master’s Degree in International Economics and Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Management at the National University of Laos’s Faculty of Environmental Science. Before joining WCS, she worked with a group of student volunteers on the "Social Environmental Education and Development" (SEED) project. Her duties as Human Resources and Government Liaison Coordinator are within the financial, accounting and evaluation unit.
Paserth Chanthavongsa
GIS and Smart data Analyst Officer
For more than 10 years, Mr. Paserth Chanthavongsa had worked in conservation protected areas in Bolikhamxay province, Lao PDR. He is the field technical and volunteer of PAFO Bolikhamxay and contracts with the IEWMP project. His work is wildlife monitoring survey, community, enforcement, and Land-use planning NGS PFA. Since September 2019, he has been working for WCS Lao PDR. as GIS and SMART data analyst Officer (ADB – Nam Ngiep1 Program).
Phacksouliya Phommatheth
Program Coordinator
Phaksouliya Phommatheth joined the WCS Lao PDR Savannakhet Landscape team in 2021 as the Technical Coordinator. He holds two BA degrees, Environmental Sciences and English from the National University of Laos. Before joining WCS, Phaksouliya built his technical experience over six years has six year in various positions at different organizations and projects including: as Environment Consultant (NCG), GIS Specialist for Hydropower development, Environmental Safeguard Officer and water User Group (WUG) trainer for irrigation projects (PIADs Project-JICA; World Bank/GoL’s MIWRM Project) and as a Natural Resource Management program officer for Japanese Volunteer Center Laos (JVC). Phaksouliya’s diverse skillsets all him to assist the other technical staff and ensure their activities align with the SVK landscape’s overall objectives.
Phatsa Konglasy
Ecotourism Officer
Phatsa Konglasy graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business English and Ecotourism at Souksavath College in Vientiane in 2014. In parallel to her studies, she worked at Hueyhong Vocational Training Center for Women for seven years. After graduation in 2015, she returned to her hometown in Muang Hiam and joined WCS Lao PDR to work as Ecotourism Officer in the Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA.
Phatsa is responsible of the NEPL NPA’s ecotourism visitor center in Muang Hiam, and the communication with future visitors, tour operators as well as activity coordination with the community-based ecotourism service providers.
Phia Moua Valeeyiayee
Ecotourism Officer
Phia Moua, also known as Touy, is from the Hmong ethnic group and originally from Luang Prabang. He graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English at the Souphanouvong University of Laos in 2011. He has worked for WCS as an Ecotourism Officer in Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area since 2015.
Phia Moua is thankful to WCS and NEPL-NPA for the opportunity to work for wildlife and nature conservation together with local communities. He recognises how important healthy wildlife population and nature is for humans, and that wildlife and nature are the blood-vessel for us.
Phonesavanh Milavong
Wildlife Health Project Officer
Phonesavanh graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the National University of Laos in 2015. She started working with WCS after graduating in 2015 as a project assistant under the LACANET project for two years and then moved to her present position in the Wildlife Health program and focusing on wildlife disease surveillance. Currently, she works as a Project Officer in the DTRA-funded Wildlife Health project.