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Entries for May 2022

Strengthened regulatory frameworks step up safeguarding of Lao PDR’s rich biodiverse landscapes for both people and nature

Views: 2187
Strengthened regulatory frameworks step up safeguarding of Lao PDR’s rich biodiverse landscapes for both people and nature
(May 19, 2022) Vientiane Capital, 18 May 2022 – The Department of Forestry (DOF) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry held a national consultation workshop on 18 May 2022 among key stakeholders working to safeguard the nation’s protected areas with the finalization of the updated Decree on Protected Areas. As Lao PDR continues to strive towards middle-income country status and economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government of Lao recognizes the importance of sustainable econ...


Posted in: Saving Wildlife


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