Supported by the USAID GPL, so far this breeding season eight Giant Ibis nests have been found in the middle of the nesting season this year, running from May through to October. The GPL/WCS Bird Nest Protection Team estimated that the number of nests will increase between now and October.
From 2004 until 2020, 413 Giant Ibis nests and 649 fledglings have been protected in the Northern Plains of Cambodia which covers Chheb Wildlife Sanctuary, Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary, Prey Preah Roka Wildlife Sanctuary and Phnom Tbeng Natural Heritage Park. Last year, 22 nests were found and 35 eggs hatched and were well protected by team.
Since 2002, WCS in collaboration with Ministry of Environment has been implementing the Bird Nest Protection Program—a payment scheme designed to combat the threat of egg and chick collection—under which local people living in two protected areas in the Northern Plains of Cambodia are offered conditional payments if they successfully locate, monitor and protect nests until fledging.
From 2002 until 2016, 3,813 nests and 6,806 fledglings have been safeguarded throughout the Northern plains landscape.
The Northern Plains is home to nearly 300 bird species, including five Critically Endangered species: Giant Ibis (Cambodia’s National Bird), White-shouldered Ibis, and White-rumped, Slender-billed and Red-headed Vultures. It is also vital for the survival of threatened waterbirds such as White-winged Duck, Masked Finfoot, and Sarus Crane.