News Releases

Least Known Chimpanzee Threatened by Climate Change
A recent study by Drexel University, WCS, and other groups shows that the world’s least known chimp  may become threatened due to climate change.
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A Cinderella Story for Tigers
Great news from the Russian Far East: an orphaned tiger cub named Zolushka (Russian for Cinderella) has been successfully rehabilitated and released back into the forests of the Russian Far East. 
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WCS is working to save the “real” Paddington Bear, the Andean bear.  Check out some rare glimpses via video camera traps along with new scientific findings. News release, recent study, and links below.  
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WCS Launches New Partnership with the Governments of Tanzania and the US to Save East Africa’s Largest Elephant Population in 2015
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Governments of Tanzania and the United States, including USAID, announced the launch of a new joint program to save East Africa’s largest elephant population in the Ruaha-Katavi Landscape.
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Five Reasons to Visit the Bronx Zoo: Snow or Shine
 WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo received .7 inches of snow today, and earlier this week on Tuesday it received 1 inch. These five photos highlight a few animals enjoying the season’s first snowfall.
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Today, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) applauded the introduction of a Senate bill that would strengthen the law enforcement tools and penalties against wildlife trafficking. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced the bill.
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Wildlife Conservation Society Opens Grizzly Bear Exhibit At Central Park Zoo
The Central Park Zoo is opening an exhibit for rescued grizzly bears today. The exhibit will debut as the new home for two adult female grizzlies, Betty and Veronica, who were rescued in 1995 and brought to the Bronx Zoo.
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WCS's Central Park Zoo set to open grizzly bear exhibit on Friday. Members of the media are invited to preview the exhibit on Thursday.
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Are Human Behaviors Affecting Bird Communities in Residential Areas?
Veery - These “area sensitive” species tend to fare better in large, contiguous habitat blocks. In a recent study, they were found to demonstrate a similar negative response to exurban development in the Adirondacks and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, despite the different geographies of the two study regions.
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A member of a cooperative of small-scale farmers, many of whom are former poachers, played a key role in the recent arrests by the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) of two wildlife traffickers attempting to trade ivory as part of a major syndicate involved in the illegal wildlife trade.
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