News Releases

Myanmar Government Finalizes Plans For Elephant Conservation

YANGON (January 26, 2017): Urgent action is needed to reverse the decline in the wild elephant population of Myanmar, while securing the future of the country’s former timber-trade elephants. These conclusions have been outlined in the Myanmar Elephant Conservation Action Plan (MECAP)— the country’s first ever plan for the conservation of this species developed through extensive consultation over the last 12 months and culminating in a workshop last week in Naypyitaw. 

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Name-a-Roach is Back!
For a $10 donation, your loved one, or unloved one, will receive the certificate to cherish for years to come, featuring the name chosen for your Valentine’s roach. New this year, a $35 donation, the certificate will come with the first-ever plush Madagascar hissing cockroach or a box of gourmet chocolates from artisan chocolatier Nunu Chocolate Company in Brooklyn, NY. A $50 donation will send the whole Valentine’s Day package that includes the certificate, plush, and chocolates.
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Little Tortoise, Big Range
January 24, 2017 – WCS scientists have discovered the impressed tortoise (Manouria impressa) in the Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in northern Myanmar, some 528 miles from its known range in that country.  The researchers reported their finding in the latest issue of the journal Asian Herpetological Research
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BREAKING NEWS:Snares Wiping Out Wildlife in Unprecedented Numbers
NEW YORK (January 20, 2017) A very important article co-authored by WCS scientist Tony Lynam has been published in the journal Science about a crisis emerging in Asia from snaring, which is wiping out wildlife in unprecedented numbers.  The article points out that use of homemade snares are largely driving unsustainable levels of commercial hunting in Southeast Asia to the point of extinction. The authors also make recommendations for how this issue might be managed to avoid “empty forests.” 
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WCS Applauds New International Agreement to Protect Polar Regions
January 19, 2017 – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) commends the International Maritime Organization and partners for the development and implementation of the “Polar Code,” a binding international agreement that will help ensure the safety of mariners operating in polar waters, and the protection of both the Arctic and Antarctic’s marine environment from the risks of vessel activities.
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Yowie and WCS Announce Partnership
January 18, 2017  -- Yowie Group LTD. (Yowie) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today a partnership focused on wildlife conservation and saving the natural world. 
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Are Herders and Livestock Bad for Rare Wildlife? It’s Complicated.
NEW YORK (January 13, 2017) The Denver Zoological Foundation, WCS(Wildlife Conservation Society) and other partners have published a paper appearing in the early view edition of Conservation Biology that looks at the positive and negative relationships occurring between pastoralists, livestock, native carnivores and native herbivores in the world’s largest unfenced grassland and desert.
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Profitable Coral Reef Fisheries Require Light Fishing
January 12, 2017 – Fishing is fundamentally altering the food chain in coral reefs and putting dual pressures on the valuable top-level predatory fish, according to new research by the Wildlife Conservation Society, Lancaster University, and other organizations.
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January 11, 2017 – WCS has issued the following video statement today by Dr. Timothy Tear, WCS Executive Director of Africa Programs, on the newly published study in Nature on the discovery of the world’s largest peatland in the Republic of Congo.
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BANGALORE, INDIA (January 10, 2016) – WCS reports that a poaching gang recently arrested for shooting wildlife in a well-known tiger reserve consisted of software engineers, environmental consultants, wealthy coffee planters, and a leading member of the Rifle Association of Karnataka State. Conservationists say the incident is particularly disturbing because the group consisted mostly of affluent and well-educated men.
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