News Releases


First Lion Seen in National Park After Twenty-Year Absence

A team of conservationists from the Government of Chad and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released a stunning image taken by a remote camera of a healthy female lion from Sena Oura National Park in Chad, where the big cats haven’t been seen in nearly two decades.

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WCS Partners with Everland to Expand its Portfolio of High-Impact Forest Conservation Projects to Help Address the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

A new agreement between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Everland will scale a portfolio of forest conservation REDD+ projects to achieve at least 10 million tons of verified emission reductions (VERs) annually with an estimated value of $2 billion over the next decade.

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Environmental Organizations, Federal and State Leaders Call for a National Biodiversity Strategy to Combat the Escalating Extinction Crisis

With one million species threatened with extinction, leading conservation organizations, including Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, World Wildlife Fund, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Wildlife Conservation Society and Natural Resources Defense Council, announced a new campaign to advocate for a national biodiversity strategy in the United States.

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WCS Awarded $60 Million by the Bezos Earth Fund to Advance Conservation in the Congo Basin and the Andes-Amazon (English, Spanish, and French)
New York, Dec. 6, 2021 – The Wildlife Conservation Society is scaling up conservation efforts in the Congo Basin and Andean-Amazon countries, with $60 million in support from the Bezos Earth Fund to work in partnership with governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and other organizations.  The Earth Fund announced $20 million for WCS’s efforts in the Andes-Amazon and $40 million for WCS’s efforts in the Congo Basin to support the cons...
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NEWS FROM CoP26: WCS and Zoo and Aquarium Partners Launch #FramingOurFuture Campaign to Support Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Harnessing the power of AZA accredited zoos and aquariums across 46 states who reach 200 million people each year, the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today #FramingOurFuture – a partner-based campaign aimed at zoo visitors, as well as digital audiences, about how their actions to protect nature will support our climate. 

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NEWS FROM CoP26: WCS Supports LEAF Announcement to Purchase a Minimum of $1 Billion  Of Carbon Credits to Support Tropical Forest Conservation

the LEAF coalition (Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest Finance), a public-private consortium, announced commitments to purchase a minimum of $1 billion of carbon credits from an initial set of tropical forest countries and subnational jurisdictions, contingent on verification of commensurate deforestation reductions in those places during the five-year period from 2022-26.

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Community-Run African Reserve that Stores Almost a Billion Tons of Carbon Quietly Celebrates its 20th Anniversary

As the world’s climate leaders gather in Glasgow for the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (CoP26), a little-known Community Reserve in the Republic of Congo – that helps store some 30 billion tons of carbon – quietly celebrates its 20th anniversary this month.

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WCS Welcomes the Launch of the ‘Protecting Our Planet Challenge’

The following statement was released today by WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper upon the announcement of the new groundbreaking “Protecting Our Planet Challenge” and its $5 billion commitment toward protecting and conserving 30 percent of the planet by 2030

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Private Funders of the New ‘Protecting Our Planet Challenge’ Announce $5 Billion Commitment to Protect and Conserve 30% of Planet by 2030

Nine organizations have joined together to pledge $5 billion over the next 10 years to support the creation, expansion, management and monitoring of protected and conserved areas of land, inland water and sea, working with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, civil society and governments. This marks the largest private funding commitment ever to biodiversity conservation.

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Memorial Day Surprise for a Lucky Few as California Sea Lion Born at New York Aquarium
Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY – June 17, 2021 – Some very lucky aquarium visitors were treated to an unusual surprise on Memorial Day this year. A California sea lion pup (Zalophus californianus) was born in full view of the morning crowd. The pup, which has yet to receive its name, is healthy and doing great. “It is unusual for visitors to have the opportunity to witness the birth of an animal at the aquarium,” said Craig Piper, interim New York Aquarium Director and WCS Di...
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