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Wildlife Health and Health Policy

Hoofed Migration: New Science Study Chronicles World’s Great Overland Mammal Migrations
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) along with an international team of more than 90 scientists and conservationists have created the first-ever global atlas of ungulate (hooved mammal) migrations, working in partnership with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a UN treaty.
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WCS Statement on Eve of Earth Day 2021
The following statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society on the eve of Earth Day 2021 and the Biden-Harris Leaders Summit on Climate, April 22 and 23.
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Who is Selling and Trafficking Africa’s Wild Meat?
A new study classifies different types of wildlife traffickers and sellers in two of Central Africa’s growing urban centers, providing new insight into the poorly understood urban illegal wildlife trade
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Ranking Virus Spillover Risk
SpillOver, a new web application developed by scientists at the University of California, Davis, and contributed to by experts from all over the world including WCS, ranks the risk of wildlife-to-human spillover for newly-discovered viruses.
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WCS Statement on WHO-China Report on SARS-CoV-2 (English and Spanish)

The following statement was released today from the Wildlife Conservation Society on the WHO-China report listing scenarios for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2:

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New Paper Addresses Impacts of COVID-19 and Cyclone Harold on Indo-Fijians Engaged in Small Scale Fisheries
A new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy addresses the impacts of COVID-19 and Cyclone Harold on Indo-Fijians engaged in small scale fisheries.
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STUDY: Using Conservation Criminology to Understand the Role of Restaurants in the Urban Wild Meat Trade

A new study in the journal Conservation Science and Practice finds that restaurants in urban areas in Central Africa play a key role in whether protected wildlife winds up on the menu.

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COVID-19’s Impacts on Global Conservation Efforts Laid Bare in Latest PARKS Issue

A new special issue of PARKS, the journal of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, published today reveals massive impacts on global conservation efforts seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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WCS Supports Bi-Partisan Bill in US Senate to Prevent the Next Zoonotic Pandemic
A statement is from John F. Calvelli, WCS Executive Vice President for Public Affairs of the Wildlife Conservation Society in support of reintroduction of a bipartisan bill in the U.S. Congress, which includes measures to prevent future zoonotic pandemics
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Disease Threatens to Decimate Western Bats

A four-year study recently published in Ecology and Evolution concludes that the fungal disease, white-nose syndrome, poses a severe threat to many western North American bats.

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