News Releases



Wildlife Conservation Society and the Royal Government of Cambodia say that more vulture “restaurants” and reduction of poison in hunting is critical to saving vultures in Asia NEW YORK (June 25, 2012)—In face of what has become a precipitous slide toward extinction across the Asian continent, the vultures of Cambodia have persisted, giving conservationists hope that these important scavengers can come back from the brink, according to authors from the Wildlife Conservation Society, the Ro...
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Gland, Switzerland, 5 June, 2012 (IUCN) — Increasing alarm for the fate of the two rarest rhinoceros species, and growing concern over the increased illegal hunting of rhinos and demand for rhino horn affecting all five species, has prompted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia to declare 5 June 2012 as the start of the International Year of the Rhino. President Yudhoyono took this step at the request of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and other conservation orga...
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Camera traps set up by protected area staff in Hunchun Amur Tiger National Nature Reserve snap the first-known camera trap photos of an Amur leopard in China.
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WCS commends Russian government for creating new park to safeguard leopards and Amur (Siberian) tigers 1,000 square-mile park is located in Russian Far East Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat NEW YORK (April 13, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society commends the Russian government for creating a new national park to protect critically endangered Amur (Siberian) tigers and the world’s rarest big cat: the Far Eastern leopard. Called “Land of the Leopard” National P...
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A new 1,000 square-mile park will safeguard leopards and Siberian tigers in Russia. Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat.
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WCS recently began breeding four endangered turtle species, including the golden coin turtle, at its wildlife parks in New York City. Eventually, the plan is to reintroduce some species to the wild and develop assurance colonies for others. WCS conservationists are also working in the turtles’ native habitats to protect their wild kin.
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Efforts include breeding at zoos combined with intensive field conservation work WCS will take direct responsibility for the continued survival of at least half of the 25 most endangered species of turtles and tortoisesWCS working with Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), Turtle Conservancy (TC), and the Asian Turtle Program (ATP) in global effort NEW YORK (April 11, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society announced today a new strategy that draws on all of th...
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Addition of bats to the exhibit demonstrates their important role in the ecosystem Known as “flying foxes,” Indian fruit bats are among the largest species of bat in the world To help protect them in the wild, WCS Works across the range of Indian fruit bats in Cambodia and Malaysia NEW YORK – March 22, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo has added high-flyers to JungleWorld – 21 giant Indian fruit bats. Indian fruit bats are commonly known as greater Indian flying foxes because...
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Two poachers get up to five years in prison – most severe sentences for poaching ever given out in Thailand WCS helped apprehend poachers last summer after a cell phone with images of dead tiger is foundWCS works with Thailand government on anti-poaching patrols NEW YORK (March 7, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced that two tiger poachers arrested last July in Thailand have received up to five years in prison.After a lengthy trial, the two poachers were found guilty ...
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The sentencing of two tiger poachers marks a major turning point in Asia’s war against wildlife crime. WCS helped apprehend the pair last summer after authorities discovered a cell phone with images of a dead tiger.
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