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For the first time, a mass stranding of whales has been attributed to sonar mapping.
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Investigation of 2008 melon-headed whale stranding in MadagascarConducted by independent review panel NEW YORK (September 25, 2013) — An independent scientific review panel has concluded that the mass stranding of approximately 100 melon-headed whales in the Loza Lagoon system in northwest Madagascar in 2008 was primarily triggered by acoustic stimuli, more specifically, a multi-beam echosounder system operated by a survey vessel contracted by ExxonMobil Exploration and Production (Northern M...
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Burdwood Bank in the Patagonian Sea will protect whales, penguins, and rare cold corals WCS commends Argentina’s government and thanks local partners of the Forum of NGOs for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea WCS has advocated for open-ocean protected areas in the Patagonian Sea since 2005 NEW YORK (August 1, 2013)—The Wildlife Conservation Society’s President and CEO, Cristián Samper, issued the following statement on the recent declaration by Argentina to designate Burdwood Bank as t...
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New York (May 20, 2013) – In two critical reports released at the Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Kiruna, Sweden on May 15th, the scientific expertise of the Wildlife Conservation Society helped inform an international body of senior government officials about changing conditions in the Arctic, and potential responses to those changes. The scientific reports reviewed by the ministers are products of contributions from various experts, representing a range of knowledge and traditions—includ...
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Why are so many whales dying in Argentine Patagonia? The southern right whales that use Península Valdés, Argentina as a nursery ground have suffered the largest mortality event ever recorded for the species in the world. At least 605 right whales have died along the Argentine coast since 2003, including 538 newborn calves. One hundred and thirteen calves died in 2012 alone. The Southern Right Whale Health Monitoring Program is working with scientists worldwide to determine why the whales a...
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Reflecting on the American Museum of Natural History’s captivating new whale exhibition, Dr. Howard Rosenbaum, director of WCS’s Ocean Giants program, describes the challenges these beloved, but troubled creatures face in today’s oceans.
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Coastal parks created in Patagonia with assistance from the Wildlife Conservation Society now safeguard sea lions, penguins, dolphins, and other sea life NEW YORK (March 13, 2013)—The Wildlife Conservation Society applauds the Government of Argentina for creating two enormous marine protected areas in Patagonia, a region filled with majestic shorelines and abundant wildlife. The new marine parks—Isla Pingüino Coastal Marine Park and Makenke Coastal Marine Park—were recently established by the...
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A study co-authored by WCS conservationists shines light on the important question of how many humpback whales swam the North Atlantic before commercial whaling. This historical information will help guide future conservation goals for the species.
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North Atlantic humpbacks have come back but accurate pre-whaling estimate is key to defining recovery, says new study by Stanford University, Wildlife Conservation Society, AMNH, and Oregon State University NEW YORK (February 13, 2013)—Scientists from Stanford University, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the American Museum of Natural History, and other organizations are closing in on the answer to an important conservation question: how many humpback whales once exi...
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First range-wide study of bowhead whale genetics finds much genetic diversity lost during age of commercial whaling Canadian pack ice no barrier to ice-savvy bowheads crossing between oceans NEW YORK (October 18, 2012)—Scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society, the American Museum of Natural History, City University of New York, and other organizations have published the first range-wide genetic analysis of the bowhead whale using hundreds of samples from both modern populations...
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