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Camera traps set up by protected area staff in Hunchun Amur Tiger National Nature Reserve snap the first-known camera trap photos of an Amur leopard in China.
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Media Note: The full NTCA protocols are available at: Protocol will make India world leader in big cat monitoring, say scientists Research by WCS’s Ullas Karanth plays pivotal role in new protocol NEW YORK (April 19, 2012) – In a move welcomed widely by the conservation and scientific community, India’s National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has adopted new refined protocols for intensive annual monitoring of tiger sourc...
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A new 1,000 square-mile park will safeguard leopards and Siberian tigers in Russia. Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat.
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WCS commends Russian government for creating new park to safeguard leopards and Amur (Siberian) tigers 1,000 square-mile park is located in Russian Far East Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat NEW YORK (April 13, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society commends the Russian government for creating a new national park to protect critically endangered Amur (Siberian) tigers and the world’s rarest big cat: the Far Eastern leopard. Called “Land of the Leopard” National P...
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Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) Recognized as “Champion of the Forests” World Forestry Day Commemorates the Importance and Benefits of Forests WASHINGTON (March 22, 2012) – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Executive Vice President of Public Affairs John F. Calvelli advocated for greater protection of the world’s forests by funding the U.S. Forest Service Office of International Programs (FSIP) during testimony before the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee. In a celebration of World Fores...
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Scientists and government officials from across the world come to India’s Nagarahole National Park to learn how tiger champion and WCS Senior Scientist Ullas Karanth has reversed the tide for this big cat on the brink.
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The sentencing of two tiger poachers marks a major turning point in Asia’s war against wildlife crime. WCS helped apprehend the pair last summer after authorities discovered a cell phone with images of a dead tiger.
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Two poachers get up to five years in prison – most severe sentences for poaching ever given out in Thailand WCS helped apprehend poachers last summer after a cell phone with images of dead tiger is foundWCS works with Thailand government on anti-poaching patrols NEW YORK (March 7, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced that two tiger poachers arrested last July in Thailand have received up to five years in prison.After a lengthy trial, the two poachers were found guilty ...
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In this TV news segment, WCS’s Joe Walston is interviewed about the reasons behind a 2009 spate of Sumatran tiger attacks.
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Illegal orangutan owner and trader prosecuted in Sumatra NEW YORK (February 23, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) announced today Sumatra’s first ever successful sentence of an illegal orangutan owner and trader in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.The seven-month prison sentence is only the third for Indonesia, despite orangutans being strictly protected under Indonesian law since 1924. Although there have been over 2,500 conf...
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