News Releases


The Cross River gorilla is one of the world’s largest gorillas and also the rarest, but recently conservationists have made important achievements to help protect this species.
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Local and international support crucial to continued protection for Cross River gorilla according to revised conservation action plan NEW YORK (March 20, 2014)—In spite of the continued threats of poaching and habitat destruction, future prospects for the world’s rarest gorilla have improved but are still dependent on continued local and international partnerships, according to a new action plan published by the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group and the Wildlife Conservation Society, and produce...
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The New York Aquarium Partners with the New York Harbor School on a new hands-on dive program for high school studentsStudents hone their diving skills while learning about aquatic animal husbandryBrooklyn, N.Y. – March 20, 2014 - The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium has partnered with the maritime-focused Urban Assembly New York Harbor School on a work-based learning project that brings students out of the classroom and into the aquarium to explore aquarium-specific SCUBA divin...
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Annual 5k run/walk is dedicated to WCS’s 96 Elephants Campaign WCS Run for the Wild 2014 will raise funds to save elephants from the worst poaching crisis in two decades96 elephants are killed every day in AfricaRegistration open at www.wcsrunforthewild.orgEvent date:Saturday, April 26, 2014at the Bronx ZooBronx, N.Y. – March 20, 2014 – The Wildlife Conservation Society is dedicating the 6th annual Run for the Wild to saving elephants from the worst poaching crisis in two decades. Wildlife suppo...
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Canines are already using their keen sense of smell to assist in airports, and now conservationists are seeking their talents. Ruth Starkey, WCS technical advisor, explains how man's best friends are helping put an end to the ivory crisis.
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On a remote and protected Indonesian beach, strange birds and sea turtle hatchlings were recently released into the wild – over thirty olive ridely sea turtles and two maleos, their adult counterparts shown here. 
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Sulawesi coastal area serves as critical nesting ground for maleos and olive ridley sea turtles NEW YORK (March 13, 2014)—Working on a remote and protected beach in Indonesia, conservationists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and PALS—a local partner organization—recently celebrated the release of rare animal hatchlings into the wild, part of a plan to save the olive ridley sea turtle and an extraordinary bird called the maleo. On February 23 on Sulawesi’s Binerean Cape, conservation mana...
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U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Holds Hearing on Wildlife Trafficking Administration’s National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking Spurs Debate in Congress Washington, DC – February 26, 2014 –The following statement was released today by WCS Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and Director of the 96 Elephants Campaign John Calvelli: “The Wildlife Conservation Society would like to applaud U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Ed Royce for his leadership in calling today...
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WCS Statement on Introduction of Ivory Bill into New York State Legislature:New York Takes the Lead in State Efforts to End Ivory Trade State and Federal Collaboration is Key to Closing Loopholes, Ending Ivory Trade New York, Feb. 20, 2014 – The following statement was released today by John Calvelli, Wildlife Conservation Society Executive Vice President for Public Affairs and Director of the 96 Elephants Campaign:“The Wildlife Conservation Society welcomes the introduction of a bill into the N...
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Ray populations in Indonesia face serious threats from overfishing, but recently the government has taken action to ensure their future.
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