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MEDIA STATEMENT: WCS on the First High Level Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas (English and Spanish)
WCS released a statement by Padu Franco, WCS Regional Director, Andes, Amazon, Orinoco on the First High-Level Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas, which concluded on October 4th the with the adoption of the Lima Declaration signed by 20 countries.


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First High-Level Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas to be Held This Week in Peru
On October 3-4, a High Level International Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in the Americas will take place in Lima, Peru.
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WCS and Partners Announce: The First High Level Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference In Peru

The Wildlife Conservation Society has joined partners to announce an illegal wildlife trade conference which will take place in Peru Oct. 3 and 4, 2019.

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WCS Reacts to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Recovery Plan for the Jaguar
Experts from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) reacted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s recently released recovery plan for the jaguar. 
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Jaguars & Well-managed Logging Concessions Can Coexist, Say Conservationists
March 22, 2018 — Logging activities in biodiverse forests can have a huge negative impact on wildlife, particularly large species such as big cats, but a new study proves that the Western Hemisphere’s largest cat species—the jaguar (Panthera onca)—can do well in logging concessions that are properly managed, according to conservationists from the San Diego Zoo Global and the Bronx Zoo-based WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society). 
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Good News for Jaguars
Jaguar populations have grown at an average annual rate of nearly 8 percent across field sites where the Wildlife Conservation Society works in Latin America from 2002 to 2016.
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Peruvian Government Approves National Strategy to Reduce Wildlife Trafficking

LIMA, Peru (September 18, 2017)—The Government of Peru has taken a major step in conserving wildlife species with a new decade-long plan to combat wildlife trafficking in one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. 

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Scientists Confirm Dorado Catfish As All-Time Distance Champion of Freshwater Migrations
February 6, 2017 – An international team of scientists has confirmed that the dorado catfish (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) of the Amazon River basin holds the record for the world’s longest exclusively freshwater fish migration, an epic life-cycle journey stretching nearly the entire width of the South America continent.
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Andean Bear Survey in Peru Finds Humans Not the Only Visitors to Machu Picchu
January 26, 2017 – A recent wildlife survey led by SERNANP (Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado) and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) in the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu in Peru has confirmed that the world-famous site is also home to a biologically important and iconic species: the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus).
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Scientists Produce a New Roadmap For Guiding Development & Conservation in the Amazon
December 8, 2016—Scientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), The Nature Conservancy, and several partners in Brazil and Peru have produced a geographic information system (GIS) “roadmap” to help guide conservation efforts at large scale in the Amazon River basin, a region roughly the size of the United States.
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