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Dr. Peter Clyne is an Assistant Director in the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Asia Program, specializing in conservation in the southern part of the continent. We talked to him about his interest in conservation and what he considers to be the most important issues in conservation today.
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In a rugged region of Laos increasingly known for unusual wildlife discoveries, WCS scientists and their colleagues find a new “bald” songbird, dubbed the bare-faced bulbul.
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Discovery of new species marks first bald songbird discovered in mainland Asia “Bare-faced bulbul” is restricted to rugged region in Laos Project funded by Minerals and Metals Group NEW YORK – An odd songbird with a bald head living in a rugged region in Laos has been discovered by scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and University of Melbourne, as part of a project funded and managed by the mining company MMG (Minerals and Metals Group) that operates the Sepon cop...
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