LA PAZ, BOLIVIA (May 24, 2024) – For the third year in a row, the city of La Paz, Bolivia topped the list of participants in the City Nature Challenge, a friendly citizen science competition among cities from around the global that measures the highest number of wildlife observations, species diversity, and participant engagement.

In a remarkable showing, Bolivia boasted five cities making significant contributions towards biodiversity conservation. La Paz, the seat of the government, once again clinched the title with an astounding 165,839 observations representing 5,352 species.

With 3,593 participants over the four-day challenge, La Paz citizens once again reaffirmed their commitment to nature conservation on a global scale. Bolstered by a collaborative effort involving nearly 100 institutions and a focus on engaging the city's youth, La Paz showcased the power of community involvement in biodiversity monitoring.

In another impressive performance, the Bolivian city of Trinidad secured the fifth position globally in observations and participants, despite its smaller size (130,000 inhabitants) compared to urban giants. This achievement is a reflection to the people’s interest in nature and preserving biodiversity.

Cochabamba, following La Paz and Trinidad's lead, achieved remarkable success, finishing fourth in observations and sixth in species diversity globally. The city's concerted efforts, inspired by the blueprint set by La Paz and Trinidad, demonstrate the potential for effective conservation initiatives across Bolivia and the region.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a key supporter of citizen science in Bolivia, celebrates these achievements as a demonstration of the growing interest and commitment of urban Bolivians towards biodiversity conservation.

"These results show a profound expression of the urban Bolivian population's love and interest in biodiversity and nature, and represent a basis for harnessing that fascination towards conservation efforts," remarked Robert Wallace, Senior Conservation Scientist at WCS.

The collective efforts of Bolivian cities in the City Nature Challenge highlight the importance of citizen science in advancing conservation agendas worldwide. As urbanization intensifies across the globe, these initiatives serve as symbols of hope, reminding us of the vital role urban communities can play in decision-making towards the safeguarding of our planet's natural heritage.

The tremendous success of Bolivia in this competition solidifies it as a benchmark for all Latin America—a region rich in biodiversity and with a strong interest in its conservation. Cities where human influence has left its mark, but biodiversity thrives, can become instruments of change that allow citizens to take ownership of conservation efforts and confront global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss.
