Five new satellite tracking units were deployed on Bengal Floricans in early February, at three different field sites within the Integrated Farming & Biodiversity Areas (IFBAs). At Stoung-Chikreng IFBA, two females were caught and fitted with satellite transmitters on 2nd and 4th February. At San Kor, a male and a female were tagged on 3rd February and at Krous Kraom a male was tagged on 6th February. The team will now be switching their focus to Baray IFBA, in the south of Kompong Thom.
In total, ten new satellite transmitters have been obtained for deployment on Bengal Floricans in 2010. This will facilitate continued research into the movements of Bengal Floricans between dry and wet season areas, assisting in the identification key non-breeding sites and habitat for protection.
These satellite transmitters were purchased with grants from the Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund and Chester Zoo. All satellite data download costs are being paid for by the International Fund for Houbara Conservation / National Avian Research Centre, Abu Dhabi. The fieldwork is funded by a Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund grant.