News Releases

This Species Is Long Extinct -- However:  CITES Must Regulate Trade in Woolly Mammoth Ivory

Delegates attending CITES CoP18 (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 18th Conference of the Parties) are being asked to take action to regulate the trade of woolly mammoth ivory.

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Efforts to Reduce Trade in Helmeted Hornbill Take Flight at CITES CoP18 in Geneva

A statement was issued today at CITES CoP18  (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 18th Conference of the Parties) by the Wildlife Conservation Society urging further action to protect the helmeted hornbill. 

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Hearing the Cry of Songbirds
A statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society thanking Sri Lanka and the United States for leading the charge on behalf of songbirds at CITES CoP18  (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Conference of the Parties) underway in Geneva.
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Sharks! CITES CoP18 Crucial for Mako, Guitarfish and Wedgefish
Mako sharks, also known as the ‘cheetahs of the sharks,’ are the fastest of all shark species, but they cannot outswim the threat of overfishing in the world’s oceans, say conservation experts from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups who applaud plans by government delegates to increase protection for makos and other sharks and rays fishes at CITES, convening this week in Switzerland.
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Fate of Prehistoric, Critically Endangered Saiga Antelope to be Decided at CITES
The fate of the saiga, a prehistoric antelope species, found on the windswept steppes of Central Asia, will be decided as CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) gathers for its 18th Conference of the Parties (CoP18) August 17-28 in Geneva. The saiga is on the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered and is vital to the ecosystem of Mongolia’s steppe.
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THE RUN-UP TO CITES: GREAT NEWS FOR ELEPHANTS IN NIGERIA African Protected Area Reports Zero Poaching for Last Four Years and Counting
Yankari Game Reserve, which supports Nigeria’s largest remaining elephant population, has experienced zero poaching in the last four years, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), reported today.
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The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published final rules that significantly weaken the implementation of the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA).
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A NEW HOPE FOR CORAL REEFS: Largest-Ever Study of Coral Communities Unlocks Global Solution to Save Reefs
he largest study ever conducted of its kind has identified where and how to save coral reef communities in the Indo-Pacific, according to an international group of scientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other conservation NGOs, government agencies, and universities. The study outlines three viable strategies that can be quickly enacted to help save coral reefs that are threatened by climate change and human impacts.  
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New monkey species discovered in the Amazon’s ‘arc of deforestation’

A new species of marmoset has been discovered in the south-west of Pará State in Brazil in an area of the Amazon that has suffered extensive illegal logging and agricultural incursion.

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A Subtle Reminder - Dinosaur Safari at the Bronx Zoo Runs through Nov 3
The immersive experience will take adventurers on a ride through a two-acre wooded area of the Bronx Zoo where 40 ultra-realistic, life-sized animatronic dinosaurs lurk   Featured dinosaur species include two massive 40 foot long Tyrannosaurus rex , a favorite species in popular culture that was the apex predator in its time; the lesser-known Omeisaurus, a herbivore that spans more than 60 feet head-to-tail and towers over the safari trail; and the Spinosaurus, which was one of the lar...
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